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Wednesday, December 19, 2007

End of the Semester

Just a quick update and FYI moment.

The Fall semester of 2007 is complete and the grades are in.
I did better then I averaged!
Jared did fantastirific!!!

My G.P.A. after my first semester is a 3.7857!!!
Jared's, after 2 semesters, is a 3.2857!!!

We are very excited, and I have to say that I am very proud of Jared. He was slipping there for a moment, but he pulled everything up and ended with an A in stats and a B in Spanish!

My only B was in Anatomy and Physiology Lecture! It was difficult, but not impossible. I think I might have done better if I had taken the class on campus, but now I know.

Also, I finally found a good job that I am very excited about.
I have been looking for a job that I can regulate my own hours for school time and still bring home enough money to count.
I start at Hananoki, the local Japanese restaurant, tomorrow morning!!!!

Okay. Small update over.
Try commenting on this one this time!!! Or no more for a month!!!!

Monday, December 10, 2007

I'm Done! I'm Done!

Go me Go me Go me!!!!!!!
Okay, so I am a tad bit excited....
I finished my last final tonight!
That means that I have completed my first semester of school!
This may seem like not a lot to some....
but after all I have been through, I couldn't be prouder of where I am!
My G.P.A. is 3.6
It's not what it should be by far.
But, considering this semesters' circumstances
and all the drama that has interfered with our daily lives
and the 3 kids factor
plus not having been in school for 3 years prior to college
I think I did a bang up job
Of course, a G.P.A like this will definitely not do fro next semester
I am taking 18 hours (the max)
That means I need 6 A's
A 4.0.....or maybe even a 3.8 is acceptable I suppose.
But we'll get there!

Now, to happier news
I am so going Christmas shopping on Saturday!
I finally have a good amount to shop with and I am oober excited!
I am going with Katrina and Laura and Jared is watching all 10 kids.
What a trooper!
8 hours of baby sitting!
I love it! hehehehehehehehehe

Well, guess you should just leave some comments in light of the holiday season.
No one likes a stingy commenter! hehehehe
Santa is watching after all!
Merry Christmas!