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Friday, July 24, 2009

Week 12/13

I believe I should appropriately label this post as "The 12 hour nap"!
I am sooooo tired all the time!
While being home alone with three kids all day everyday and most the time all night as well doesn't seem to permit any rest no matter how much it's needed... I seem to manage it... interrupted of course!
Thank the Lord for my Cecilia! She is the 7 year old from heaven. Every little whim and need I have, she jumps to the opportunity to help me. I get massages all day long, even though I haven't asked for any lately! She wakes up with her sisters and just as I am barely opening my eyes after a long night spent tossing and turning and making frequent bathroom trips (ALREADY!) she is there with a bowl of cereal for me informing me that she and her sisters have already eaten and will be watching t.v. for the next little bit! What an amazing little helper she is. With Jared gone all week, I wouldn't be able to survive without that girl!
Well, not much has changed over the past week or so... except OMG I am showing! Isn't it impossibly ridiculous how early everything starts each pregnancy?! I don't remember even showing with the other two during the first trimester at all! Here I am though, welcoming in the second trimester 6 lbs heavier and all of it in my middle section...gaining weight every moment I am sure!
School starts for Cecilia in about 2 weeks and we are all looking forward to it, though I am less enthused now that I know I will be without such a incredible little helper everyday! As soon as we can find us a place, we will be moving... and Lord I hope it's soon. I hate anticipation of any sort. Shoot! I am already ready for this pregnancy to be almost over not barely beginning! lol

Well, that's about it.
Oh, and we found a girl's name... Coralee Patience!
Patience was Jared's 7th great grandmother's name from like the 1600's or something, and I just love it.... even though it is irrelevant since everyone (Especially Jared) swears I am having a boy! haha!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Week 11 brings blessings!

Well, we are 11 weeks into this thing now! Only 570,000 left to go.... or so it feels! lol
Though I still have only one working hand, things have fallen more or less into routine.

I am constantly tired! ha! I don't fall asleep until at east 3 or 4am, no matter how the day went, what I eat, or what I do right before bed... and then I just am unable to get out of bed until 1 or 2 pm the next day! If I try, I am incredibly weak and spend most of that time in the bathroom revisiting food once again! So, for the most part, I sleep all day, and then head off to work all night!

The crappiest part of this being that I have vastly neglected my wife-duties... cleaning, laundry, cooking, etc. The house looks more like a horrible tornado swept through and has demolished everything! If I was a meteorologist, and had the ability to name this tragedy like a hurricane, I would most likely come up with something along the lines of Ceciaradince....ya, that fits! lol

But, on to good news!

Jared had been more then blessed since he got to his unit. Not only has he been promoted very quickly (he is now an E-3) but he has made a very good impression on others around him and they are desperate to keep him with them! In the guard, you just don't find many hard workers like Jared.
Anyhoo.... we have been hoping and praying for an ADSW job (full time position in the unit, though it's a temp job) because once you get in, they pretty much keep you going from temp job to temp job until they find you a full time position. While working ADSW, you get full active duty pay for your rank, BAH, and BAS! The only downside is, until he gets a more permanent position, he will likely be staying in Smyrna, a hour and a half a way, for a week at a time and only coming home on the weekends to see us... Well, one of the top liaisons for the unit has been desperately trying to find a position anywhere for JARED and called us Thursday to let us know that he got one!!!!!
It is 3 months long... give or take if they get it done faster than that. His orders are only for a month at a time, but we will still be making great money!
Plus, if they continue to put him in jobs once this one is done, or they find him a permanent position there, we will move to Smyrna/Murfreesboro so we can actually be near him and he can come home in the evenings!
Plus, there is this BEAUTIFUL house there that I want soooo bad! lol

Well, that's about it I suppose!
Until next week.... the end of the first trimester!!!

Monday, July 6, 2009

weeks 9/10

These past 2 weeks have been eventful enough for blogging but time and circumstances have not made so possible. This will be short as it is!
There is a good chance I will be taking some time off from work. I have incredibly unreliable child care now so working is becoming a BIG issue. This sucks bc we desperately need my income too, but the Lord will get us through.
This will be short bc just this past week I had a dizzy spell... well, long story short I fell and caught myself wrong so now I get to wear this non decorative and certainly non flattering bandage and brace for my carpal fracture in my left hand! yay! lol
The baby seems to be trying to adjust! haha! I am nauseous all the time still, but I have not been actively revisiting my meals near as much!
It won't be until August that I can see a doctor so please just wish us luck as my pregnancies are high risk to begin with that no problems occur!
Thanks for staying updated with us and I will try to get more on here later!