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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Our Little Man 9/25/09

Well, today is the 23 week mark... so... only 17 more weeks, give or take 2 or3, left before we see our little boy face to face... Since 17 sounds to much less than 20, this week is exciting! lol

Chase moves every which way every few seconds! I love this part! The kids get a "kick" out of feeling the baby "kick" (har har har!) and love to watch my stomach move up and down under my shirt when he is rolling around inside! Since it won't be much longer till everyone gets to see Chase in all his glory, I thought Iwould post a few ultrasound pictures up for everyone to see! Here he is!!!!
This is my favorite! The profile picture! You can see his little head, and his spine, his heart, stomach, and face! Makes me tear up!

In this one he has his mouth open towards the top there while he is yawning! If you look, you can see his little tongue right above his bottom jaw! Kinda scary looking, in a cute way! lol

If you are offended, I am sorry, but we are very proud of our priviledge to have a little boy and I just thought, for all those wondering if the results could have been wrong, that we would show that he is definitely a boy! These pics were taken at our sepcialists office so, I believe there is no denying it! haha!

Well, it has been quite beautiful outside and we have been spendingmore time at the park and playing outside because of it... As fun as it sounds, the outside world must not like me much! lol I noticed a few days ago, after hanging at the park, that my feet, ankles, and calves were sooooo swollen! I had never really had that problem before with the swelling until the last little bit of both my other pregnancies... so, at 5 months, experience this unsightly condition is less then fantastic to say the least! I can't get up and walk around for more then 10-15 minutes it seems without the swelling getting so bad my feet hurt, even in flip flops! Must be a boy thing!

That's about it I reckon! If any of you mom's have any advice it is appreciated... I will try almost anything right now! Not being active in these last few months could prove very bad later in weight perspective!

Saturday, September 26, 2009


Things are looking better, and prayers really do work! Chase appears to have clubbed feet srill and the doc feels it may be a neuro problem, we go back in 4 weeks to find out for sure... but, his heart looks great, no calcium deposits, and no surgery needed! His possible down syndrome has turned into likely false readings, as many said were possible... We aren't 100% in the clear yet, but the major worries we had have been lightened! Thank you all so much for your prayers!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Worries and Hopes

Week 22 has come with some hardships...
Monday I received a call from my doctor's office saying I needed to come in for an immediate appointment to discuss our ultrasound the previous Thursday. Such news is NEVER a good thing so Wednesday we headed over to see Dr. Lisa and the news was, as we expected, horrible.
Chase has some complications. There are calcium deposits in his heart that will likely have to be removed surgically shortly after he is born. Worse case scenario they will need to be removed immediately meaning they will operate on him while he is still in the womb. This of course bears a risk to both of us.
There are also a few markers in the ultrasound that indicate that he may have Down Syndrome. One of the indicators being the calcium deposits, as well as a few other issues. While the DS is not an immediate life or death issue, and Jared and I have both voiced how much we will love Chase no matter what, it is a health issue and the average life span of a child with DS is in the twenties.
The smallest issue that was found in the ultrasound was clubbed foot. This can be fixed immediately after birth with a simple reconstructive plastic surgery so that he will not be affected later on when he learns to walk.

This is increasingly hard to handle as my family is far away and the few friends I assumed I had have become more involved with themselves then with supporting me. I am in great need of a support system right now, and I feel a drain instead.

Friday we will be seeing a specialist in Nashville who will do hours of testing to determine the severity of it all. We may be blessed, as we have been before, and the more advanced testing may show that the indicators don't add up enough to mean DS, and the calcium deposits are minor and many be able to stay where they are without surgery and never affect our son. This of course, is what we are praying for...

Please, whether you ar religious or not, whether you have different views then we do, whatever your life morals are... please pray for us. Only the Lord can get us through this and only he can touch the life of my son and heal him. Financially this will be the hardest thing we have ver faced as well as the most emotional time of our lives... we need you, and so does Chase. Pray.
Thank you

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Quick Update

We are at 21 weeks this week! Woo hoo! Just past the half-way point!

Well, here's the news, short and sweet but no less exciting!
We had our ultrasound yesterday.... It was agony having to wait to pee for so long.
Guess that's it...

Oh, and we are having a BOY!!!!!
uh huh! oh ya! whoop whoop!
Chace Everett Wayne Golson made his photographic debut! After 30 minuted of stubbornness he finally "showed himself" to the world.... Jared nearly fainted he was so nervous and then excited....
After 3 girls, the man NEEDED a son!

So, here comes the first little Golson boy to carry the name on.... Michael will finally have a boy cousin so he won't be all alone in the family! lol

The girls are thrilled, as are we of course.... and now, it's time for decorating... once we win the lottery of course!
If you want to come to the babyshower, please let me know!!! Send me your email address so I can send the invite out!!!!!! It will be October 24, Saturday, at 2:00pm!!!!

Yay! A boy!!!!!

That's all for now.
Oh, and we just moved into a new home so that's why I haven't been on lately... will post more later!