Our Walk Together

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, February 4, 2011

Stolen from everyone else! lol

•Name - Jessica Marie Golson
•Nicknames - Mommy, Mom, Jess, Sis, Wee-Todd (dont ask), Babe, Mamamamamama (chase)
•Any birth marks - yep
•Hair color - darkish brown with red and blonde highlights (that need a touch up soon)
•Natural hair color - ummmmmm??? blondish-reddish-brownish- every colorish
•Eye color - golden
•Height - 5’7"
•Mood - exhausted
•Favorite color - yellow
•One Place You Want to Visit - Venice, Ireland, Paris, Alaska..... :)
•Love or lust - love
•Cats or dogs – doggies
•A few best friends or many regular friends - both
•Television or internet - internet
•Chinese or Indian food - chinese
•Wild night out or romantic night in - wild night out with the hubby that ends with romatic night in
•Money or Happiness - happiness.... and money??? lol
•Night or day - Night
•MSN or phone - phone
•Ever performed in front of a large crowd - yes
•Ever done drugs - no
•Ever consumed alcohol- yes
•Ever been on a dance team - yes
•Ever been on a sports team - yes
•Ever been in a drama play/production - yes
•Ever owned a BMW, Mercedes Benz, Escalade, Hummer or Bentley? - nope
•Ever been in a rap video? - Sir-Mix-A-Lot asked me but I was just way too busy haha
•Last phone call you made - Jared
•Last person you hung out with - Kids
•Last person you tackled - KIDS
•Last person you IM’d - not sure.... not a big IM'er
•Last person(s) you went to the movies with - Jacky and Jessica Burlesque!!!
•Last thing you missed - a call from the kid's school
•Last thing you ate - chips and salsa
•Pierce your nose or tongue? - Monroe
•Be serious or be funny? - hilarious
•Drink whole or skim milk? - whole
•Spend time with your parents or enemies? - parents
•Simple or complicated? - complicated on the inside but relatively simple on the outside :)
•Flowers or candy? - neither really
•Gray or black? - black
•Color or Black and white photos? - depends on the pictures
•Sunrise or sunset? - sunset
•Staying up late or waking up early? - soooo not an early morning person :)
•Sun or moon? - moon + stars
•Left or right? - right
•Sun or rain? - rainy sunny days are just memorable
•Vanilla or chocolate ice cream? - chocolate
•Vodka or Jack Daniels? - neither really
•Nervous Habits? - laughing when I am scared, jabbering
•Are you double jointed? - nope
•Can you twist your tongue around and roll it? - yes
•Can you raise one eyebrow? - yes
•Can you cross your eyes? - yes but I get the worst headache when i do
•Do you make your bed daily? - depends on how i slept the night before
•Which shoe goes on first? - depends on the shoes lol, heels= right foot, tennis= either, boots= right, flip flops= left usually
•Ever thrown something at someone? - yes
•On average, how much money do you carry with you? - $3-4
•What jewelry do you wear? - wedding band, earrings, belly button ring
•Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? - twirl until i get slapped in the face too many times, then i cut it
•Have you ever eaten Spam? - i lived in hawaii!!! lol spam musubi! spam and eggs, spam and rice... as long as it is fried up right its like fried bologna
•Favorite ice cream? - cookie dough
•How many kinds of cereal are in your cabinet? - 5
•What’s your favorite beverage? - pepsi, lemonade
•Do you cook? - yeppers!! love it
•Last Alcoholic Drink:? - Amaretto Sour
•Last Car ride? - coming back from Bowling Green
•Last Movie watched? - Braveheart- because I LOVE it! lol