Our Walk Together

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

This be where we be....

Jared- doing well in school, bored out of his mind for most of it and ready for it to be over, but, doing well none the less..... Loving Halo 3 (addict!)

Cecilia- on break this week from school and loving every minute! Her best friend Emma is here everyday while they are on break because I am babysitting! She is actually spending the night over there tonight (her first real sleepover!) We just made a card game ( I cut out construction paper and put letters on one side--big and small-- and drew flowers on the other) that should help her with recognizing what capital letters match lowercase letters and learn the sounds each letter makes a little better! Her field trip is next Thursday and we are very excited. I already made the scrapbook pages to put the pictures in and I am making some on behalf of Cecilia's teacher for the class too!

Ciara- sick! She has the nose runny-head kinda warmish- coughing only at 2 am every morning- bug and has had it for about 4 days now! No sleep for mommy!

Cadie- growing! Her next doctors appointment is next week fro her one month check up and shots! Let's hope doc thinks everything is good too! She has 2 new teeth coming in in the backish of the bottom! That will make 6!

and Me!-
School is going well. I aced my lecture exam (anatomy) with a 107.5!!!! I got a B (87) on my anatomy lab practical, but that is pretty good seeing as how the class average was a 67%! And that is with a curve!!!!! Jared and I have recently made some life altering plans that we will eventually share with all in detail (haha! made the anticipation thing happen! you gotta wait!) but we are very excited and happy about it! I am kinda stressing about next month because we are only going to have 3 days in which to find a house and get moved out and in! Right before finals!!!! But, we are going to get through it! We are excited about Halloween! Cecilia is going to be a purple genie with a bottle! Cadince is going as Minnie Mouse! I am going to be a purple butterfly fairy with white stockings that I plan to draw glitter flowers and swirls on (I will be the cutest one! lol NOT) and Ciara is going as the cutest pirate ever! Jared bought her costume in AUGUST!!! because he said she would just look so cute in it he had to! Well, she does, so I guess can deal with the "boy type" costume this year! next year though---princesses all of them!!! lol
Jared has to work so, no costume for him. Since he isn't dressing up, I told him he doesn't get candy either, he has to earn it with a costume!

Weather here is finally looking up. The temperatures were in the 60's today and it was SOOOOOOOOO nice! I hope it stays this way!

Well, better get back to school work! Everyone must comment, or I am not blogging again for a month! Oh, and no "nice blog" comments either! Put feeling behind it people! I do post these insanely long blogs for your entertainment! Show some appreciation....leave some comments this time.....ummmm (Cough' Sarah.....cough cough)!!! J/K


Kristina Ampong said...

Nice to know that you are doing well in school. When did or does Jared go back to work? We all thought he was still layed off. Sorry about Ciara being sick, I'm in that same field right now with Michael. Have to say that you are copycats with the halloween costume though (j/k). I have our costumes and Michael and I are both going as pirates. Take care and good luck with the rest of school.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear everything is going well with school. Hope Ciara gets to feeling better soon. Good luck on your finals.

Andrea said...

Ok, first of all, just to clarify I was the first one to come out and claim the pirate costume this year so technically you and Kristina are just copying me. Ok I was desperate jenna wanted to be an angel and I wanted her to be something scary and that wasn't happening either so when she said she liked the pirte costume I quickly bought it before she could change her mind.

Andrea said...

Anyways, congrats on your lecture exam. I just got a 105 in my accounting class, most of the class got below a 60 and thereis no curve in his class. Oh the joy of knowing that though most of the class will have to repeat I am offically done.

As for Jared I hear halo is adddictive, Jav use to get together with t the the guys on the team and they would hook up several x-boxes and play against each other.

Why is Cecilia on break this week? Glad to hear she is liking the school experience. Where is she going for her field trip? Kaylee has one next week, they are going to see an animal show at te colusium.

well good luck with the house hunt. Let me know how it goes.

Andrea said...

There's nothing new over here. Why isn't there anything new with you yet? How am I suppose to widdle away the hours if everybody else is having a slow week.