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Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Up Late? Update!

Well, we are here.
We just found out today that we will have a new house to move in to! It is about the most adorable little thing, and in a very good neighborhood about 3 minutes up the road! Cecilia will have to change schools, and that stinks....but, she is still young, so it won't be as hard on her! It's a 3 bedroom, 2 bath with His Hers closets that are big! It has a fenced in back yard, bigger then the one here, and is off the main road a good bit so we don't have to worry about being right next to so much traffic! It's a brick house, and it's that darker brown brick...so pretty! It has a fireplace too, which is always exciting!
The only not so great thing....it has that brown carpet...you know, the kind from like the 70's or something, only a little shorter, not so much shag as just yucky brown....Thank the Lord for rugs!
It has a one car garage, which will be very convenient, especially because, unlike the one here, there is actually room to fit a vehicle and still get in and out!
We can move in as of the 1st of November!!!!! Now I have a whole month to get everything moved in, instead of just 3 days...and I can get everything moved and set up way before finals! It also means I can enjoy my Thanksgiving break because I won't be in the process of packing and trying to move out, i will already be moved in and unpacked!
It also means we can enjoy our Christmas vacation without having to worry about coming home to a house that needs to be unpacked right before school starts again!
That is about all the update we have as of yet. Any questions, run them by....
Hope everyone is good.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

glad to hear you found a house. You'll have to send pictures. Is Cici excited about moving into a new house. All I hear from Jenna is "when do we get to move into a new house". Oviousely she doesn't realize how nice she has it. She wants a bigger bedroom. What she doens't realize is the bigger newer houses come with smaller bedrooms. She also wants her own room. She doesn't want to share anymore. But since w emoved the girls in together I have decided I liked only having one messy bedroom so they mightbe sharing for quite a while. keep us posted, and good luck with the move.