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Tuesday, November 20, 2007

For those I don't call everyday...: )

It's autumn and I LOVE it. This time of year seems to carry away all the stress and frustration that everyday life always brings, and replace it with an air of peace and serenity...It is absolutely my favorite time of year...and it couldn't be prettier outside!
School is almost over....for this semester, and with the change of my major and the addition of a minor, I have to be prepared for next semester and even more studying...but it will be worth it to be done early and have my degree and be happy in life. Not that we aren't happy now...but it certainly will make things easier!!! Jared is taking intro to German next year instead of Advanced Spanish...he says he wants to be well rounded...I say he doesn't want all the work! lol
I will be taking astronomy...partly because I need to take a different science, and partially because I happen to be interested in the reasonings and positions of the stars...
Thanksgiving si going to be wonderful and mellow. I only have to make the deviled eggs and stuffing...plus I am bringing the eggnog and cider this year...for dessert we are heading over to a friends house who doesn't have much family to spend the season with...so we are bringing her company and fruit crisp! That is the best way to spend the holiday, I think, and I am very excited about it.
Christmas comes all too early every year, and this year I finally feel that I have gotten a pretty good head start...Yes, Andrea...we already have yours and the girls gifts...and no, it's not a new house or a million dollars this year, unfortunately, we had to down size the gifts for once...lol The girls are sure to make out, as Mom and Dad have bought them a new playground set to replace the one that we had at the old house since we had to leave it for the owner to take back...and this one is bigger and better with 3 swings, a tetter totter, a slide, and a dual swing set thingy...very nice and we are putting in it the new backyard that has plenty of room! Who knows what else they will get this year, I am saving their shopping for last, so I can finish up our money on them!
Well, I think that is about it for now...Hope everyone is dong well and enjoys their Thanksgiving...leave lots of comments and show your love ; )
The Us-ems

1 comment:

Andrea said...

All I can say is if you aren't getting us the new house or million dollars why are we wasting our time coming down for the holidays. J/K. Glad to hear school is good. Mine won't end soon enough and i get to break in winter break with Jury duty, nothing better to kill the holiday cheer. Thank goodness for the upcoming vacation. See you soon.