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Wednesday, December 19, 2007

End of the Semester

Just a quick update and FYI moment.

The Fall semester of 2007 is complete and the grades are in.
I did better then I averaged!
Jared did fantastirific!!!

My G.P.A. after my first semester is a 3.7857!!!
Jared's, after 2 semesters, is a 3.2857!!!

We are very excited, and I have to say that I am very proud of Jared. He was slipping there for a moment, but he pulled everything up and ended with an A in stats and a B in Spanish!

My only B was in Anatomy and Physiology Lecture! It was difficult, but not impossible. I think I might have done better if I had taken the class on campus, but now I know.

Also, I finally found a good job that I am very excited about.
I have been looking for a job that I can regulate my own hours for school time and still bring home enough money to count.
I start at Hananoki, the local Japanese restaurant, tomorrow morning!!!!

Okay. Small update over.
Try commenting on this one this time!!! Or no more for a month!!!!


Andrea said...

Glad to hear youdid good on your fisrt semester. Good luck with the next semester, i'm not looking forward to classes starting

Anonymous said...

Glad for you and Jared on your good grades for last semester. Keep up the good work.