Our Walk Together

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Because an entire person's existence relies on my words...

Today I slept in.
Till 9!!!
Then I skipped classes, because my head hurt so bad I couldn't barely move...
and went back to bed!
Next week I am going to start working with a personal trainer at the university.
I really need to get back into shape, and I think having someone there to help with the motivation will make it happen alot sooner then if I am just relying on myself.

I am kinda excited about it.

School is going. No plus or minuses yet.
Just neutral feelings toward the whole endeavor.

So, there is the update.
Another post.
And evidence of my lack of life.

Enjoy you miserable person!


1 comment:

Andrea said...

Just think, you 1/4 of the way done with the semester. School sucks. As for me, school isn't happening, I finally had to drop all of my classes this semester. I did that last week, and today is the first semi slow day I have had yet. This next week our home inspection takes place. Why can't it be sumer already, I want to just fast forward through the next 2 months.