Our Walk Together

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Sunday, September 21, 2008

Jared's Address

PVT Golson, Jared
Hotel Troop, 5th Squadron 15th Calvary
2nd Platoon
194th Armor Training Brigade
3576 Wilson Road
Fort Knox, Kentucky 40121-5272

He wants mail if you have time! Pictures and letters or whatever but no contraband of course!
He is doing really well, says he actually likes the training, even the physical exertion he has to put into it... but he is still getting use to the army... duh!
His graduation date is the 7th of November from 8am-10am, though I know no one will probably be able to make it...

I get to talk to him once a week for about 2 minutes... that is unless some ding dong in his platoon doesn't mess things up for everyone like last weekend!
That's about it1

Oh, I start back at work on the 1st of October... I am excited and worried about the stress.
Wish me luck!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Jared has been gone nearly two weeks now... and it's just one big party after the other here! NOT!
I never had any idea what being a single mother was like and I give my full respect to any woman who manages a household alone... whether it be because she has no husband, or because he just isn't there... It is far from easy and I have much more respect for my mother too!
The girls are holding up pretty well. Things. of course, aren't apple pie, but we are getting through and have a pretty good routine (which includes mommy forgetting to sleep 90% of the time!). We often have "girls" night where we enjoy fingernail polish fumes and whale fat on our faces in order to beautify ourselves and feel "dressy". We have a movie night at least once a week where we eat hoards of popcorn to add cushion to our figures and sit mindlessly in front of the television for hours.
On the active side of things we do regularly go to the park and walking around the mall. Church on Sundays is set in stone of course, but other then that we rotate what days we have special times and what days mommy kindly says, "get your butts in bed, I don't care if it's only 6:00...and no you can't eat dinner because I have too much homework to cook!" (we try to space those out as much as possible for legal purposes of course!)
Jared gets to call my on Sundays for about 2 minutes...literally. Just enough to say how awful the people are and how much fun he isn't having and that he misses us and loves us....and to ask about the guys on xbox?!?!?! It's really s shocker because for once he does all the talking and I can't get a word out edge-wise!
That's about it for now I suppose. Things are otherwise on the normal side. Cadince turns two in 6 days...geez. I am not ready for that! They do grow up fast!
Leave me some feedback and let me know how everyone is doing. I will be posting Jared's address in a few days so you can all bombard him with mail that he will have to do push ups for! lol
I mean it! It's just helping him build muscle strength and endurance!
till then
au revoir