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Sunday, September 21, 2008

Jared's Address

PVT Golson, Jared
Hotel Troop, 5th Squadron 15th Calvary
2nd Platoon
194th Armor Training Brigade
3576 Wilson Road
Fort Knox, Kentucky 40121-5272

He wants mail if you have time! Pictures and letters or whatever but no contraband of course!
He is doing really well, says he actually likes the training, even the physical exertion he has to put into it... but he is still getting use to the army... duh!
His graduation date is the 7th of November from 8am-10am, though I know no one will probably be able to make it...

I get to talk to him once a week for about 2 minutes... that is unless some ding dong in his platoon doesn't mess things up for everyone like last weekend!
That's about it1

Oh, I start back at work on the 1st of October... I am excited and worried about the stress.
Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Oh, did I forget to leave a comment here. Sorry. I think just for the fun of it I will mail Jared a cheap tool set, and I will package each tiny piece in a seperate envelope or box, so he has to do push up for each piece. How mad would he be when he finds out what it is. Hee Hee. Any who, where are you? I need an update? How is work?