Our Walk Together

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Amateur... just saying before you judge! lol

Hmmmmm... twice in one week huh?

So i took some photos the other day of the girls and I at Dunbar Cave just having a
blast... but Jared insist on continuous photo-taking now and I am dabbling a bit in the fine art of picture taking with those complicated devices known as cameras so I thought I would try some simple things to see if I have any suppressed talent beneath the many layers of extra weight, droopy hair that desperately needs some fixing up, and sunken shoulders from the loads of homework I carry around!!! LOL Just in case you are wondering, as awful as it all sounds somehow I still manage to see the glass as half-full in life...quirky, I know... just a gift I suppose. Keep in mind I am just using a cheap and simple camera so lighting and all that technical jargon crap aren't my fault... I blame inflated prices on bigger chunks of photography toys that I just can't afford... Really steps on the little man... or woman in this instance I suppose!
on with the pictures
Oh, and here I am again sitting at the computer NOT doing homework
Honestly... you blogging people ar
e a horrible example to me!

So here are some shots of the kids with their bread for the geese and with their suckers Aunt Dani gave them... I unfortunately did not get a picture of little miss Cadince trying to feed a goose her sucker, but she did and it was quite entertaining!
I love these little wild children... they never cease to amaze/amuse me! hahahaha!

This one was our favorite... that is until it tried to attack Cecilia! What a spectacle we were... Cecilia frightened and running away from the goose... The goose wings half spread attempting to snatch the remainder of the hotdog bun from Cecilia's hand... and me, the paranoid mom totally freaked out arms flailing around everywhere chasing the killer bird shouting at it and doing my best to knock it out with the few pieces of hotdog bun I had left... anything to save my child's life you know!!! Oh, and dodging all the nasty green and white poop that lined the sidewalk and water edge was not a simple task... that right there, that takes talent I don't care who you are... so, I may not be great with the picture taking but....let's just say I came home with poop-less boots!

We also went up to the little information building they have there and took some shots of the girls for the heck of it... You know, I see them everyday and I still can't believe how big they are getting... and when I look at them through the pictures I take, it sinks in all to fast...

I LOVE Cadie's face in these pictures... she was ALL about that sucker!

Just so ya'll know... I believe I have both met and exceeded my quota for this month... picture posting wise... so I better see plenty
of comments on the beauty of my fine little creatures and my obvious skill in the art of camera usage... just a friendly FYI that's all... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Ok, so not really.... but kinda really lol


6L's said...

i think the pictures are just great! if you are an amatuer, i don't know what that makes me, haha! the girls are getting sooo big! little blondie (sorry i get the 2 little ones confused) looks like quite a handful! is she like leila and thinks she's a diva princess? :)

Anonymous said...

Great pictures. Thanks for sharing.