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Monday, December 29, 2008

Family Time and the End of 2008

So we had a FANTASTIC Christmas and vacation in Missouri!
The girls really made out considering the limited financial budget that "Santa" had this year! lol Cecilia got the coolest rollerskates from her Aunt Jacky with Hannah Montana on them... needless to say she was super thrilled and the Lord blessed us with weather fair enough to do some outdoor learning sessions!
Ciara and Cadince just had a blast tearing as much of the wrapping paper up as possible to discover their many baby dolls and Dora the Explorer activities/toys!
It was so nice to have Jared home. For those who don't know the whole story, a friend of Jared's gave me the ultimate Christmas gift, he paid for Jared's round-trip ticket to come home for the holidays! He leaves out on the 2nd of January so he gets to be here for Christmas and New Years!

We haven't really gotten around to getting decent family shots done so Mom and Dad did us the favor of taking some nice Christmas photos of us! Wow! I never realized how slimming gray is! lol I look ten pounds lighter! hehehehe

Apparently Jared felt that he did not get enough for Christmas so I was instructed to wrap myself up... Well we didn't have enough wrapping paper for such a feat so I ended up looking like this! lol

Another year has come and passed... seems like we just got here... Well, I have one more post before 2008 is over... just to show the really cool things we did at Fort Leonardwood!!! Then, it's off to 2009... God Bless us all as we enter into another year with our savior and out families... who we wouldn't be anything without!

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