Our Walk Together

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Thursday, January 22, 2009


It snowed the other day... and it is due to ice on Monday...
Where am I?????
It doesn't snow in Tennessee, not really anyway....

We are in Missouri right now. My Dad is having some minor health issues so I am here to help. Jacky moved here till Mom and Dad come home, but the girls and I are living here at least till Jared graduates. If I can find a decent job we will stay here till school is finished. Cecilia is in school here on base and I love the DOD schools... well at least this one! I am kinda melancholy like about taking her back to a regular public school after such a great school experience here!
I have all online classes so I am continuing school here, at the computer everynight after the little ones call it a night studying and typing my brains away.... assuming I had many to begin with! lol

It is so nice to be with family though. I didn't realize how down I was getting with no one around to talk to and no one to really hang out with!! Being husband-less wasn't the biggest issue, just being flat out bored doing the same cleaning-feeding-diaper changing-cooking-bathing routine everyday with no breaks for "ME" time (yes I know, how selfish of me!)... well it was relentless and depressing... It's nice to have company and extra hands ot divide the previously mentioned monotonous routine up with!
Can't wait for Jared to come home though... I am starting to miss my other child...

Well, that is it for now... got WAY TOO MUCH homework to get done
Thought I should update nevertheless...


6L's said...

i don't know how you military moms do it alone sometimes! so glad you are able to have some help and some 'me' time.

Mrs. M said...

Jess, we are sure missing you and the little ones (Jared too!). It si hard being seperated but I know that when we do come home, we will all have a deeper appreciation for family.

Give those little ones a hug from me please - and have Ceci give you one from me...

I love you