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Thursday, September 24, 2009

Worries and Hopes

Week 22 has come with some hardships...
Monday I received a call from my doctor's office saying I needed to come in for an immediate appointment to discuss our ultrasound the previous Thursday. Such news is NEVER a good thing so Wednesday we headed over to see Dr. Lisa and the news was, as we expected, horrible.
Chase has some complications. There are calcium deposits in his heart that will likely have to be removed surgically shortly after he is born. Worse case scenario they will need to be removed immediately meaning they will operate on him while he is still in the womb. This of course bears a risk to both of us.
There are also a few markers in the ultrasound that indicate that he may have Down Syndrome. One of the indicators being the calcium deposits, as well as a few other issues. While the DS is not an immediate life or death issue, and Jared and I have both voiced how much we will love Chase no matter what, it is a health issue and the average life span of a child with DS is in the twenties.
The smallest issue that was found in the ultrasound was clubbed foot. This can be fixed immediately after birth with a simple reconstructive plastic surgery so that he will not be affected later on when he learns to walk.

This is increasingly hard to handle as my family is far away and the few friends I assumed I had have become more involved with themselves then with supporting me. I am in great need of a support system right now, and I feel a drain instead.

Friday we will be seeing a specialist in Nashville who will do hours of testing to determine the severity of it all. We may be blessed, as we have been before, and the more advanced testing may show that the indicators don't add up enough to mean DS, and the calcium deposits are minor and many be able to stay where they are without surgery and never affect our son. This of course, is what we are praying for...

Please, whether you ar religious or not, whether you have different views then we do, whatever your life morals are... please pray for us. Only the Lord can get us through this and only he can touch the life of my son and heal him. Financially this will be the hardest thing we have ver faced as well as the most emotional time of our lives... we need you, and so does Chase. Pray.
Thank you


Sarah said...

I am so sorry Honey. I know what you mean about not having a support system near by. I can't imagine what you are going through. I know that witht these fertility drugs that I am taking (to get pregnant and carry full term which will be a nice switch) increase the chances for all types of birth defects and stuff. It breaks my heart to think of, but we are going to still go through with it and take what God gives us. You are in our prayers and you are not alone.

6L's said...

i am so sorry to hear this but please know that false results are VERY common! personally, i don't have any of the extra tests done b/c of possibly worrying over nothing. i am sorry this has come w/your regular u/s. if it helps calm your heart just a little, a friend of mine also after her u/s had possible down syndorme baby...she was born perfectly healthy and is almost 2 now! you all are in my prayers...hang in there!! i hope you get better news at the next appt. hugs!

Jessica-Marie said...

Thanks so much!