Our Walk Together

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Saturday, February 20, 2010

Craziness, as it relates to me lately

Well, the past month has been an adventure if we've ever experienced one on the shores of island Golson...
Chase is growing at an incredibly fast rate, or at least I think so because he looks too big already to me =)! He is very healthy and very energetic, is awake much more frequently then before and loves to look around.... and smile! He is right under 6 weeks old right now, and that sounds so old! He has been a little colic lately, and we have had many a night with no sleep and my poor little baby scrunched up and screaming so hard he is bright red... but when he doesnt have these episodes, he is the perfect little baby and sleeps most of the night only waking up 2-3 times!!
Having a new baby in the house has led to some rivalry and jealousy...but mostly my girls fight over who gets to HOLD Chase and who gets to HELP with him! lol! My big helpers... they are such amazing sisters!
Jared can't seem to stop taking pictures of Chase. He is constantly snapping pictures with the camera, or his phone if the camera is not near by. I love it, but it does make me regret not getting as many pictures of Cadince when she was a baby, and negelcting to take pictures practically at all the past year or so because we didn't have a working camera. We have a bazillion of Ciara as a baby, there are very little of Cecilia as a tiny baby but a decent amount of her from age 1 on... but Cadie missed out on the photo obsession, and we have little of her besides her first days of life when she was in the hospital and first home....
We went and got family pictures taken, and I will post them in the next blog. They ended up ok. I really really really love the kids pictures, but I was less pleased with the overall family pictures.

Now for the craziness....
Yesterday was the day from Hades, hand delivered to me by a horrible messenger straight from that "southern" location I swear!! I ended up at Walmart when everyone else and their brother opted to visit the store as well. After a very stressful, for lack of a better term, day at the store, I was stuck at the checkout in a hurry to get home to Cecilia who would be getting off the bus at any moment. The cashier took her time, and I almost punched her, but lucky for her I refrained from doing so. When I finally made it out to the van, towing all three younger munchkins and a cart full of groceries, I loaded everyone up and was just finishing buckling Chase in when it happened... some woman whipped into the space beside me wayyyyy to close to my van, and HIT ME! Not the van , mind you, ME! She slammed on the brakes, but no before her SUV bumped right into my right hip and pushed me into the van! I looked at the woman right in the eyes and she paniced and drove off without a trace!!! I was so stressed, running late, and now in pain so I circled the parking lot looking for my hit and run friend, could not find her, and so I left to get home. I was hit BY A CAR! What a day! lol! Then to top it all off, when I got home, I spent 2 hours working my butt off on an English paper that, was due Wednesday (a fact I did not know until after I did all that work and sumbitted the paper) and so, I received no credit for it and, because there were only 3 papers and thus 3 grades for the class and I missed one, I failed!!! Well, I have to withdraw anyway... what a day!!
Well, now that I have made sure to document the worst day ever so that I can enter it into the Guiness Book of World Records, I will get to posting the pictures... that's what everyone actually wants to see anyway! lol

1 comment:

6L's said...

i am always amazed that people run from what they have done!!! what the heck is up with that???