Our Walk Together

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Ciara, my little girl, turned 5 this month! She was so cute in her princess get up! Thanks for all who came and for all the great gifts! It's so hard to believe she starts Kindergarten this year!

I got those trick candles that keep relighting! Hahaha! It was fun because all the other kids enjoyed helping her finally blow them out!

Daddy bought her pink roses for her big girl birthday present! She looked like a little Jr. Miss America!

The weather has been so nice lately! The temperature is up there but there is a nice cool breeze that makes being outside feel incredible! We have been out of the house at the park or wherever almost everyday!

Cecilia was baptized Sunday, April 11th on Ciara's birthday! She was baptized with her best friend Emma so it was an extra special day for her! We are just so proud, She wrote out her testimony and I read it aloud for the church. I was crying the whole time!
My sister and her fiance were here this past week for his R&R from Afghanistan. It was nice to get to meet him and we had a big family BBQ to welcome him. He spent most the time we were around just holding Chase and playing with him. We're glad to have you in the family Brian and stay safe!

The Lord knows how much I love and need my husband. Sunday, after Cecilia's baptism, Jared decided to test drive my Dad's motorcycle (an 1100- big bike) in the church parking lot. Dad had drove it there for the ceremony but wasnt feeling up to taking it back home. After a few starts that immediately stalled, Jared finally got the bike to go... and it went, right into the brick Church building. Scariest moment of my life let me tell ya! By the Grace of God he was wearing all the appropriate safety gear and was only going about 25 mph when he hit. No broken bones, don't know how he managed that one, and no surgeries needed. When the ambulance got us to the hospital we discovered that he had a nice size chunk missing from his left calf. It split open real wide and was a little more than an inch deep. 14 stitches later, Jared is in one piece and recovering just fine... to say nothing of my nerves! I don't think I have slept more than 6-8 hours total in the last 3 days. I am SOOOO blessed! The Lord really did watch out for us that day because I was there, I saw it all, and Jared should not have rolled away from it the way he did. He is lucky to be alive and in one piece and I am VERY lucky to have a wonderful merciful God who let me keep my husband.
Take stock in what you have... Love and Live like there is no tomorrow! I'm telling you, it's the scariest thing in the world to think there might not be another second with the one you love.
Guess that's my update for now. I will try to stay more up to date now :)

Super Duper Late Posts...

In the past few months alot has happened and I am very much behind on blogging about it all!! In summary, My first born (biologically speaking of course) turned 5, My oldest (overall) was baptized, my littlest girl was signed up for Pre-K this fall, my son, now 3 months old, has grown too fast already and he warms my heart everyday, and my husband nearly left this world in a crazy motorcycle accident that he is still recovering from physically and I am mentally but that also just reaffirmed my great faith in the Lord and his many blessings. I will post a bunch of pics with some addlibs.

My little man. This is a month ago at age 2 months. He looks so much like his Daddy, so handsome!

This was his first really big smile... that immediately turned into a big laugh/coo!!! Oh how precious it is when they do that!

Now that the weather has gotten warmer, we have been outside much more. This was Chase's 1st day outside other than going to and from a vehicle. It was the first nice warm day we had in March.

Easter was so much fun this year! We got the kids all dressed up and had a giant hunt at our church! The sun was really bright so all our pictures were of the girls making the most contorted faces! lol!
Chase on Easter watching Ciara and Cadie in their egg hunt. I love his little sweater vest! lol