Our Walk Together

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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Super Duper Late Posts...

In the past few months alot has happened and I am very much behind on blogging about it all!! In summary, My first born (biologically speaking of course) turned 5, My oldest (overall) was baptized, my littlest girl was signed up for Pre-K this fall, my son, now 3 months old, has grown too fast already and he warms my heart everyday, and my husband nearly left this world in a crazy motorcycle accident that he is still recovering from physically and I am mentally but that also just reaffirmed my great faith in the Lord and his many blessings. I will post a bunch of pics with some addlibs.

My little man. This is a month ago at age 2 months. He looks so much like his Daddy, so handsome!

This was his first really big smile... that immediately turned into a big laugh/coo!!! Oh how precious it is when they do that!

Now that the weather has gotten warmer, we have been outside much more. This was Chase's 1st day outside other than going to and from a vehicle. It was the first nice warm day we had in March.

Easter was so much fun this year! We got the kids all dressed up and had a giant hunt at our church! The sun was really bright so all our pictures were of the girls making the most contorted faces! lol!
Chase on Easter watching Ciara and Cadie in their egg hunt. I love his little sweater vest! lol

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