Our Walk Together

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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

oops, not again!

Well, here I go again, neglecting my blogging duties! gah!
Here is a quick update, pictures to come later...

Jared got promoted to E-4!! Yay! What a blessing that was! And I got to go to Smyrna for the promotion and physically promote him myself (so much fun...like proof I outranked him! lol)! We discovered that Smyrna is a BEAUTIFUL area and, since most the full time guard jobs are there, we are settling things here and planning on moving there by the end of summer!
School is over for me. YAY again! I aced my course and now I can sit back and relax for a few months, until its back to the grindstone again!
Cecilia is almost finished with school and she will be 8 on Saturday. Where did that come from??!! She is growing so fast and she is so smart... It's like I already live with a teenager!
Ciara is super excited about starting kindergarten this year and I just finished all the paperwork for her registration. Even though we plan on moving we arent 100% sure yet so I went ahead and registered her for the school Cecilia attends now, that way I am covered.
Cadince did not get into Pre-K and I am kinda bummed about that. Honestly I think all kids should be allowed to attend Pre-K but she didnt make the cut off. The slots went to kids with needs and speech problems. I guess its a blessing for us because we are very lucky that none of the kids seem to have any learning disabilities. Of course, it would have been nice to only have Chase everyday next school year! How much easier life would be! Oh well, more time with my Cadie bug... not like I am ready for her to be grown up to!
Chase.... well, did anyone know I had a BOY? What happened there? I know how to do the girl thing, and all my girls were such great babies! Not that Chase isnt the picture of perfection as well, but he is much fussier than the girls were and the strangest eater! I dont sleep at night lately because he just screams and cries unless I walk around holding him! He is picky! The girls slept through the night almost right away after they came home, Chase still wakes up once or twice a night! The girls hardly ever cried... about anything! Chase cries all day! I feel like I am dong something terribly wrong with him, like I dont feed him enough or too much or I dont give him enough attention... but truthfully I barely ever put him down anymore because he is always fussing! Thats why I havent been on lately. When I do get a free moment, I usually dont wanna have to sit at the computer for hours messing with things!
Speaking of the baby, there he goes again! lol! Gotta love motherhood! Better tend to Mr. Fussy-buckets!
Until my next brief pause....

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