Our Walk Together

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Monday, June 28, 2010

Oh My Goodnesssssss!

So this is just going to be short for now. The past few weeks have been so CRAAAAAAZY! We started moving two weeks ago, packing and cleaning and such... abnd we are still trying to finish up moving! We have temporarily moved in with my Mom and Dad, bless them, while we organize things and try and save up money so when Jared gets new orders we can build a house. We are hoping to only be here with them for July and maybe August. Jared has had a few interviews for new full time active jobs, so we are just waiting on hearing from at least one of them with an offer! We REALLY want to move to the Smyrna area, where he already drills anyway. There are 2 jobs he has interviewed for there and one in Tullahoma.
Because of how busy we have been we havent had the opportunity to spend hardly ANY time with Andrea and the cousins while they were here to visit. The few days we have been available they have had other plans with the other half of the family and when they are free we seem to be up to our ears in packing and such and really dont have the time to take a break. We are hoping to make a trip to see them in a few months and hopefully that will mean we get some time with them just the kids hanging out. I am SO glad the kids love their cousins so much, just wish we had more opportunities to get them together.
I will put up some pictures and such and post some more info in a few days hopefully, just dont have much time these days!
On a side note, Cecilia left for church camp today!!! This will be her first time away from me for more than two-three nights and that was only bc I was in the hospital having a baby!!! I already miss her but I know she is going to have so much fun! Dropping her off today brought back a million memories of my camp days as a kid!
Please pray for her and for Jared's job opportunities! More later!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

My Big Boy

Chase is growing so fast! It is hard to believe he is 5 months old already! Where has the time gone? That is almost 1/2 a year! He is sitting up with help now... (He is still a little top heavy lol)
I love watching him play with his toys! He grabs and chews (or I guess I should say gums) everything he can get his hands on and he gets so excited when he latches on to something new! This giraffe is his new best friend Goober the Giraffe. He is half toy, half teether with a bit of a rattle! Since Chase is starting to cut his first tooth (up top) he has grown quite attached to his "cool" friend! I guess G-O-O-B-E-R spells RELIEF for Chase!

Chase has got a new toy! He is definitely NOT a fan of tummy time for more than 5-10 minutes so I am pretty sure he will end up walking before he crawls. He loves to try to stand up and kick out his legs way more than laying down! Jared and I have been looking for both a door jumper and a Bumbo for Chase so he can practice sitting around and stretch his legs out alot too! We went to the local consignment store and there was this jumper! It was only $10!! What a steal! We brought it home and Chase has barely been out of the thing he loves it so much! Perfect buy!
Of course, after a hour or two of fun time play... well he needed a little nap! How cute!! He was so out of it I had to snap a picture before I could get him out! I am very happy he is enjoying his new toy!
During this point in my life I am very unhappy with my physical condition. I have a hard time dealing with my More-To-Love-Figure as everyone calls it, LOL. However, it is hard to not be happy to pose with this handsome little guy! I love him so much! Even though I get a bit stressed out here and there taking care of all 4 of my crazy bunches of excitement and preparing for our move in a few weeks... Chase relaxes me and I can never be angry or down when he is in my arms!
I am so blessed to have my kids! When I go to the store or park and women and men both look at me like I am insane or trashy almost because of all my kiddos! I know that each time I have gotten pregnant it has been a bit of a surprise to each and every one I have told and people began to wonder how I can survive with all of them! I just have to say --- I can survive because with all those kids comes all that love!! No matter how I feel about myself any day of any week my kids coming up to me, hugging me, and telling me how I am their best friend and favorite person in the world... well it makes it all ok!

Physicals and Shots... OH NO!!!

Poor Ciara and Cadince had to get their shots updated this week. Plus, Ciara--my big girl--starts Kindergarten in 2 months! Oh my goodness!! Anyway, they were very brave at first... then they started to freak out once they had to change into these paper gowns and wait for the doctor! Cadie was first to get her shots and she got 4!!! She screamed and cried and turned red and it was all I could do not to pick her up and hold her after the first one! Then it was Ciara's turn and she bravely scooted to the end of the table ready for her shots. They told her she would be getting 2.... no biggie compared to what Cadie had just gone through... Until the doctor pinned her down and gave her SIX!!! She screamed so loud I am sure the whole doctors office heard her! She was in pain and she was in traumatic shock from being lied to and poked way more than she was promised! I wanted to rip the nurse's head off! How could she lie to my baby like that? I had to hold Ciara for over 15 minutes before she would even let go of me to get dressed and she was still traumatized the rest of the day! Thank the Lord that she doesnt need anymore shots till she is 11!

We Love the Summer!!!

Sometimes this blogger can be so crazy! No matter how I place these photos they come out crazy crooked! lol
Anyway... We have been looking forward to summer and now that it is here we are enjoying the wet-side of the season! We got little pools for the kids-- one for the girls and an inflatable shaded one for Chase and me. We set them up at Grammy and Pappy's house and had a blast!!! Even Chase enjoyed splashing in the water and playing with the beach ball. We have been going to the sprinkle park on post alot lately-- yet I never take pictures! Oops! Probably because I am wet from running around in the water with the kids! lol