Our Walk Together

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Monday, June 28, 2010

Oh My Goodnesssssss!

So this is just going to be short for now. The past few weeks have been so CRAAAAAAZY! We started moving two weeks ago, packing and cleaning and such... abnd we are still trying to finish up moving! We have temporarily moved in with my Mom and Dad, bless them, while we organize things and try and save up money so when Jared gets new orders we can build a house. We are hoping to only be here with them for July and maybe August. Jared has had a few interviews for new full time active jobs, so we are just waiting on hearing from at least one of them with an offer! We REALLY want to move to the Smyrna area, where he already drills anyway. There are 2 jobs he has interviewed for there and one in Tullahoma.
Because of how busy we have been we havent had the opportunity to spend hardly ANY time with Andrea and the cousins while they were here to visit. The few days we have been available they have had other plans with the other half of the family and when they are free we seem to be up to our ears in packing and such and really dont have the time to take a break. We are hoping to make a trip to see them in a few months and hopefully that will mean we get some time with them just the kids hanging out. I am SO glad the kids love their cousins so much, just wish we had more opportunities to get them together.
I will put up some pictures and such and post some more info in a few days hopefully, just dont have much time these days!
On a side note, Cecilia left for church camp today!!! This will be her first time away from me for more than two-three nights and that was only bc I was in the hospital having a baby!!! I already miss her but I know she is going to have so much fun! Dropping her off today brought back a million memories of my camp days as a kid!
Please pray for her and for Jared's job opportunities! More later!

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