Our Walk Together

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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

I blame the Herpes!

Before I embellish let me first say that NO I do not have a STD nor does anyone in my family. lol. My computer got a virus (hence the herpes remark) and has been under the weather for 2 months before we could finally afford to get it in the shop and fixed (expensive!). I have had ti up and running for the past two weeks but about the time we got it home the internet rounter started acting up and now it is nearly impossible to keep a signal on my laptop long enough to do anything really. Mostly I jump on to pay bills and check the bank and read what I can to catch oup on everyone else but I never have the time to really post. Have no fear, I am gathering pictures and information from the past 2 months to post on as soon as we can get the internet working better and when I can have a minute to sit and post my many many make-up posts.

Quick update-- things are becoming more depressing these days around here. We are living iwth my parents to try and save up money to get a place since Jared's orders are up at the end of this month, but even though he has been applying for jobs since April at least 3-4 interviews a month all over the state of Tennessee from point to point- we have no new job in sight. This is making it hard because even though we have been putting some money aside, its not near enough to live off of and we are getting anxious to have our own home again. I desperately ask for prayers that something decent pop up soon, we arent being picky!
Ciara started Kindergarten a few weeks ago so it is just Cadie, Chase and me (and Grammy and Pappy) at home everyday so we have been working on some preschool stuff for her. We cant afford actual preschool and she didnt qualify as "needy" to get into any of the local preschool programs at the elementary schools so we are home-schooling for preschool. She is loving it and I am very proud of her accomplishments so far. Ciara is loving Kindergarten and learning lots already and I will add more to that later. Cecilia is in 3rd grade now and just got fitted fro glasses the other day so she is handling alot of changes and she is doing so very well I have to say. Chase is growing as babies do and is as spunky as the girls were. He has started army crawling all over the place and I am reminded how insane life gets when kids go through the crawling stage!! lol

Guess that's all I can do for now, kids to feed and a husband due home any moment. More to come promise.

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