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Monday, October 11, 2010

Friends, Marshmallows, and Opportunities

Well, some days are hard and others are harder... and then there are days (well in this case a whole week) where things really seem to be quite wonderful!
It all started Friday of last week when I finally got off my butt and went to Military Wives Bible Study-- a growth group I have been meaning to go to for like a year now! lol! It was just such an overwhelmingly wonderful experience. I was able to fellowship with some wonderful women who just touched my heart in so many ways. Women who could relate to what we are going through and women who might not be able to but offered wonderful advice and comfort. I was able to get out of the house and just take it easy for awhile without all the kiddos. it got my mind off of the unemployment we are dealing with and the insanity of everyday struggles we are beginning to face. For a day, life didnt feel like it just sucked!
Then, Saturday, I woke up well rested and made a big breakfast for everyone and started the day off much happier and calmer than other mornings. I felt rejuvenated and all in all like a different person.
That evening I was totally blessed to be given the opportunity to attend a baby shower of a woman who I am hoping will become a dear friend, but who I had only met once and hadnt seen in almost a year. We are mostly blog friends (see isnt blogging great) and our husbands have been friends for almost 15 years! I REALLY enjoyed myself and once again I was surrounded by some pretty wonderful women all of whom were very kind and fun to be around. I even made a new friend with whom I plan to have many fun play dates :)!
Sunday I had church and it was a great service. Pastor Tracy talked about temptation and how we all have a marshmallow (I cant figure out how to add the video to this blog so I will post it in the next one in just a second) in our lives that tempts us. He asked us to think about what our marshmallow is (again, watching the video will make this make more sense). I thought about it alot and I determined that my marshmallow is my faith right now in the sense that I can give up. My problem, my worry and fear, are right infront of me and I can explode and crash and burn and take them how they are right now--- with a weak faith, or I can wait and see what the Lord has planned for me and my family and not only end up with a better deal but also help strengthen my faith and build on my relationship with my Heavenly Father. While the first one seems much easier some days, just fall and bury myself in bitterness and defeat, obviously the second option, waiting for a bigger reward, is the better option. So, what is your marshmallow?

This weekend I also just found out that my sister and bestest best friend in the whole world is coming home for good by the end of the month! Words can not describe how amazing this is and how much it means to me. With everything going the way it has lately we both really need each other in a closer proximity and need good friends to help us through. Please pray that everything goes well and she gets back safely.

I suppose the second most exciting thing that happened was today's accomplishment... I got a job!!! YAY!! And not just any job, but one that I have been wanting for years. I start tomorrow at the Sears Portrait Studio in the mall as a photographer in training. It is a seasonal job right now- and I have been informed to expect to have no life starting now because after this weekend I will not have another weekend off until January! Photo studios are crazy during the holiday season so I should get plenty of experience and ALOT of hours. With Jared not knowing when or even if he is going to get a job, we have been so scared that we wont be able to meet out bill requirements after this month just off of his unemployment (we set aside as much as possible this last month of paychecks so starting this month when we werent making anymore we could still cover our bills and necessities but starting November we were gonna be REALLY struggling). This is such an awesome opportunity and a blessing for us and especially for me because it has long been a passion of mine to learn more about photography. My sister in law and brother in law are All Star photographers and I have admireed their work for awhile, but have never had the money to take any classes. Now I will get them for free and get tons of hands on everyday experience. Please pray that I handle the stress of the job well and that the Lord help me reach my full potential and then some in this environment. My biggest fear now is being away from my son. He is in that learning phase where he learns to talk and walk and eat big boy foods and I am so scared to miss it. But, I know that this is what is best for us all right now and I am VERY blessed to have my parents and soon my sister here to watchthe kids so I dont have to worry about my kids being safe with strangers.
Well, that is a heck of alot of stuff for just one week but what a great week it was. Please continue to pray that Jared find a job soon. He has applied for a position on post here that he is actually qualified for with experience and such and it would mean that we dont have to leave our family here and I can keep my job too.... fingers crossed and prayers a flyin.
Until next time...

1 comment:

6L's said...

cute video, lol! sounds like things are looking up--hip, hip, hooray!