Our Walk Together

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, November 7, 2010

So its been a Month and...

Mostly things havent changed.
Jared still hasnt found that job that the Lord has planned for him-- we are working on it. He did a few days of training this past week and completed them and passed so he is officially certified to do military funerals. This is quite a honor for him- he feels that way and I feel that way- because each of the fallen no matter how they passed served for our military and deserve these respectful funerals and to be able to participate in expressing that honor to their family is just an experience you can't get from anything else. He may/will have many a day that he has to fight back tears even though he claims he will never cry because he has no emotion- lol! He may be called to work a funeral on holidays, in the snow, in the rain, and on our anniversary.... but when my dad goes, when my mom goes, or when jared goes-- they deserve the honor of such a ceremony. Anyway- obviously I am very proud of him for doing this and the benefit will be a few days a week of work so that helps the pocket book. lol!
I am ABSOLUTELY loving my job. It has its moments- ups and downs- and there are some times when my love for kids can be tested a bit (smile) but its busy work and delightful work. Last week I had a little baby roll over for the first time ever in my room while we were doing a photo shoot-- her Mommy was so thrilled and LOVED the pictures I did to commemorate the moment! You dont get the opportunity to share in those moments with people in many other jobs! I am very much hoping to stay on after seasonal and one day get my own studio- it is definitely something I can see myself doing for a long time and loving. I just enjoy people and kids and photography and I feel so blessed to be able to get this opportunity to learn from great teachers and have a fun time doing it!
The kids are doing well in school. They have all been cycling through the colds already this season as the temps here have varied from 35 degrees to 70 somedays. I am hoping they get over them soon. We just got pictures done at the studio of them and I will hopefully get them on here soon for everyone to see. Dont worry family members- you will be getting pictures! lol!
Chase is so active these days. He pulls up on everything and tries to take a step and then laughs at himself and falls onhis butt...or face...or straight back on his head! lol! Its so cute to watch him. He eats so well- and loves all kinds of foods. His favorites include bread and honey butter, pancakes, OATMEAL!!!!!, fruits of all kinds, and rice and green beans together. He recognizes certain words like "eat", "drink", and "mama time"--- which means nursing before bed. I cant believe how much he grows everyday. He does the ADORABLE thing where he "stretches"! He holds his hands infront of him and then lifts them up above his head and stretches until we say "streeeetttcccchhhh"! Then he laughs and claps for himself. hahahahahaha. He is so cute!
Jared is gone at WLC for the next few weeks. Once again, I am so proud of him for making the list. Its not very often the guard sends it soldiers to WLC so to be chosen is a big deal around here. He is doing so well and he is hoping to graduate distinguished honor grad like he did from AIT! I know he can do it, he loves the leadership stuff and really enjoys being incharge and such so he will do great.
Thats about that for now. Tried to keep any yucky depressing news out of here because really why do I want to look back at that? lol!
Pics soon!

1 comment:

6L's said...

lol, you want to look back at that to see where you have come from! ;) glad things are looking up and the job is going well. i got a kick out of chases treching...i bet that is so cute!!