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Monday, October 3, 2011

Autumn.... the beauty of it all

I love autumn! I love the cool mornings with warm afternoons. I love the smell of pumpkins and autumn leaves. I love hot cocoa on my deck while wrapped in a light blanket watching my kiddos play in the yard. I love hoodies and wraps and scarves! I love autumn!

Ok, now that my poetic run is over there is a bit going on here I should docment.
We have been back home in Clarksville now for a little over 3 months. I am so glad to be back home! I love being close to family and friends and being able to be back at my home church!
I have been working as the Assistant Manager at the studio and Jared has been excelling as a recruiter in training for the National Guard. Both of us have found jobs that we love and are very happy in... and though I know it sounds negative- somehow I should have known things were gonna tilt-a-whirl! lol

My pregnancy- week 24 1/2 now- has been the best one I have ever had. I had minimal morning sickness, minimal exhaustion, and little moodiness (unless you talk to Jared I suppose lol). With Chase, as I am sure some of you remember, I suffered from a severe hip pain on my right side. My doctor first suggested that Chase was sitting on a nerve causing the pain and eventually came to the conclusion that I must have suffered a fracture that eventually healed wrong. So, for 2 years I have been dealing with this pain and situation figuring there was nothing I could do about it. Well, when the issue still bothered me during this pregnancy I confronted my doctor again and was finally sent to physical therapy... Lo and behold the Therapist diagnosed me during our first session-dislocated pelvis! Apparently a common pregnancy condition, most women who suffer from it can only take the uncomfortableness and pain for a short period of time and are "corrected" within weeks. The therapist was so incredibly shocked with my 2 year battle she called in 3 other therapists as well. The determined there was jsut shy of a 5 in spread difference between the location of my right hip and that of my left. The equivalent of wearing a stiletto heel on only one foot for 2 years! ha! no wonder I was "complaining" so much! lol
Anyhoo- I began seeing the therapist and let me say it is soooo not fun having your entire pelvis relocated!!! But the pain in my hip has greatly subsided, temporarily though. According to her, I will continue to fluctuate between neutral and dislocated over the course of the next few months until we get everything strengthened and corrected. Boy does it hurt to fluctuate!
Upon this discovery of my pelvis' unfortunate location (must have had an outdated mapquest) the therapist also discovered that because of my 2 year stint as a crooked individual my spine is also crazy messed up - yep because Im that lucky- and could take an additional few months to correct. Worse case though, at least by this time next year I should be ok and uncrooked for good! lol
This spinal pelvic craziness has unfortunately led me to become a bit of an invalid temporarily... I am not permitted to do anything that involves pelvic movement because there is such a high risk of dislocating (and photographers have to bend, twist, lift, and chase) so I was put on desk only duty.... until the doc found my placenta previa at my ultrasound! Really? Thankfully its not a severe case so there is a really good chance it will correct before delivery- but I have had some spotting and pain and so I am not on indefinite bedrest! boooo! I have the chance for recovery- which I am holding onto with faith- but until then I cant work :(

This would not be the end of the world if it weren't for the wonderful military system! Jared's orders are temporary until the slot he is training for becomes available. Since Oct1 started the beginning of the new Army fiscal year--- all temp orders for non-permanent personnel are discontinued until the new budget is decided upon (ya, I am stuck waiting on Obama) and dished out.... meaning my husband is no longer employed as well :)

Blessing (there always is one!): Jared received his midtour bonus finally and we were able to at least pay off rent for the rest of this year until January. We took care of other little things here and there that will keep us from dishing out more each month (i.e. credit cards). So- we have also been saving up paychecks and can comfortably survive the rest of 2011 barring any unseen insanity that may pop up. This gives me time to heal up and Jared time to secure another job until the new buget is instated.

We really go back and forth alot with fortune... though there are alot of really hard times in our past that have come close to breaking us, we have a strong faith in God and He has ALWAYS got us through our flippity floppity times. I have been dealing with pain for a few years that has at least subsided some and that I now know the cause of. We have a wonderful addition going to be joining our family in a few months and we still dont know the sex on purpose!! How exciting!! We have a strong relationship and have gotten through much worse.... and what doesn't kill you makes you stronger!!!

1 comment:

6L's said...

thanks for the update. :) sorry to hear about your dislocation but it's good they figured that out now! it's so true that god takes us through these trials and makes us stronger. keeping that positive attitude is the best thing you can do. hang in there!! ((((hugs))))