Our Walk Together

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Saturday, March 10, 2012

Oh yeah, we had a baby! lol

Well just call me slacker! I am finally posting about Chessy and she is two months old already! Guess I got too use to doing everything on facebook and I have neglected my blog too much!
Here is the i important info:
I was set to be induced at 5pm on January 6 but my contractions hit big time at about 7am that morning so I called my doctor. She told me to come on in and get checked just in case... well I was dilated to a 4-5 and this being my 4th baby she expected it wouldn't take long before our little girl arrived so she sent me straight over to L&D. Long long long story short, after 9 hours of waiting around for the doctor while in very active labor (contractions 1-2 minutes apart) she finally showed up to break my water.... (baby girl did NOT want to drop down and finish dialting me stubborn gal!) Not even 15 minutes later we were holding our beautiful baby girl. Up until just a few short moments before the doctor came in to break my water, however, we had been set on a name for out little one. She was going to be Chesalyn Dee Golson. Dee after my Aunt Marcy Dee. We decided we'd call her Chessy D for short :) But, right before she was born I got a phone call from my best friend, Danielle. She jokingly said we should name the baby after her-- which we quickly reminded her that all our kiddos' names began with "C" and Danielle did not. Once we got off the phone though I started playing around with the name Chesalyn Danielle Golson... I had never considered it before as even an option but it sounded so pretty saying it out loud so I brought it up to Jared. He played around with it to but could not make up his mind and in the doctor came to get things rolling. As soon as Jared held her though he looked at me and said "let's do it, let's use Danielle, it does sound pretty together" and so we did. We had Chesalyn Danielle Golson at 5:22pm on January 6th. She was 7lbs 12oz (by far my biggest baby yet!) and 20 inches long. She looked HUGE compared to what I remember the others looking like and I could not believe that she had not only lasted as long as she did after trying to come out at 29 weeks, but that she was so big and healthy! What a true blessing! Oh, and calling her Chessy D still works! What a plus!

The girls were SOOOOOO excited to get to come in and meet their new sister at the hospital. Ciara and Cadie didn't remember coming back to see Chase two years before so it was really cool for them. Chase was too little of course but we had the nurses bring Chessy to the nursery window so he could see her! He loves her so much! He wants to hug her and kiss her and bring me everything I could ever need for her like such a big boy helper. He turned 2 just 5 days after she was born and has been such a big boy! The girls are all my little mamas helping take care of Chessy, Chase, and things at home. I am one proud momma!

Can't believe it took so long for me to post lol! We love having our newest addition around, she adds such fun and love to our lives!God is so good!

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