Our Walk Together

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, August 31, 2007


I have officially joined the cult of scrapbookers across the nation. (For those of you interested my code name is StickEms GolSon!) Today I went and bought my starter set. Not one of those pre-put-together ones, but all the basic things I will need. I figure, I need something to do when I actually have a break from the madness which is my school life. I have friends who I am forcing to join the cult as well.(Well, I gave them the option to join or be sacrificed at our monthly meetings, they chose to join!) I plan on taking one day of the week, setting that whole day aside, and scrapbooking. Let's just hope that I don't get too caught up in this mess and neglect my homework!

School, well, it's going well I suppose. Tonight I am finishing my last subject. All my other class work has been completeed and turned in. All A's!!! Except for one B, in a class where the professor doesn't "believe" in A's your first few weeks. So, I personally consider that an A! All I have left now is Psychology. It's not that it's hard, it's just this stupid APA format stuff that we have to submit our answers in. It takes alot of time to do citations...and I don't have a consecutive "long" amount of time to sit and do it in...so I get lost when I come back...Oh well, I will get it done tonight.

I have noticed that, since I have joined this blogger cult...(yes, I participate in many cult groups) I have posted more blogs then anyone of you others!!! Get with it. I would like something to read when I get on...I can't just be your supplier of reading material and get left behind myself!!! Just kidding!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

For Our Soldiers

This is an email I recieved that I just felt compelled to post. Please take a moment to read this.

I was sitting alone in one of those loud, casual steakhouses that you find all over the country. You know the type--a bucket of peanuts on every table, shells littering the floor, and a bunch of perky college kids racing around with long neck beers and sizzling platters.
Taking a sip of my iced tea, I studied the crowd over the rim of my glass. My gaze lingered on a group enjoying their meal. They wore no uniform to identify their branch of service, but they were definitely "military:" clean shaven, cropped haircut, and that "squared away" look that comes with pride.Smiling sadly, I glanced across my table to the empty seat where my husband usually sat.It had only been a few months since we sat in thisvery booth, talking about his upcoming deployment to the Middle EastThat was when he made me promise to get a sitter for the kids, come back to this restaurant once a month and treat myself to a nice steak.
In turn he would treasure the thought of me beinghere, thinking about him until he returned home
I fingered the little flag pin I constantly wear andwondered where he was at this very moment. Was he safe and warm? Was his cold any better? Were my letters getting through to him?
As I pondered these thoughts, high pitched femalevoices from the next booth broke into my thoughts.I don't know what Bush is thinking about. InvadingIraq . You'd think that man would learn from his old man's mistakes. Good lord. What an idiot! Ican't believe he is even in office. You do know, hestole the election."I cut into my steak and tried to ignore them, as they began an endless tirade running down our president.
I thought about the last night I spent with my husband, as he prepared to deploy. He had just returned from getting his smallpox and anthrax shots.The image of him standing in our kitchen packing his gas mask still gives me chills.
Once again the women's voices invaded my thoughts.It is all about oil, you know. Our soldiers will goin and rape and steal all the oil they can in the name of 'freedom'. Hmmm! I wonder how manyinnocent people they'll kill without giving it athought? It's pure greed, you know."My chest tightened as I stared at my wedding ring. I could still see how handsome my husband looked in his "mess dress" the day he slipped it on myfinger.
I wondered what he was wearing now. Probably hisdesert uniform, affectionately dubbed "coffee stains" with a heavy bulletproof vest over it."You know, we should just leave Iraq alone. I don'tthink they are hiding any weapons. In fact, I bet it's all a big act just to increase the president'spopularity. That's all it is, padding the militarybudget at the expense of our social security and education. And, you know what else? We're justasking for another 9-11. I can't say when it happens again that we didn't deserve it."Their words brought to mind the war protesters I had watched gathering outside our base. Did no one even appreciate the sacrifice of brave men andwomen, who leave their homes and family to ensure our freedom? Do they even know what "freedom" is?I glanced at the table where the young men weresitting, and saw their courageous faces change. They had stopped eating and looked at each otherdejectedly, listening to the women talking."Well, I, for one, think it's just deplorable toinvade Iraq , and I am certainly sick of our tax dollars going to train professional baby-killerswe call a military."Professional baby-killers? I thought about what awonderful father my husband is, and of how long it would be before he would see our children again.That's it! Indignation rose up inside me. Normallyreserved, pride in my husband gave me a brassy boldness I never realized I had. Tonight one voicewill answer on behalf of our military, and let herpride in our troops be known.Sliding out of my booth, I walked around to theadjoining booth and placed my hands flat on their table. Lowering myself to eye level with them,smiling I said, "I couldn't help overhearing yourconversation. You see, I'm sitting here trying to enjoy my dinner alone. And, do you know why? Because my husband, whom I love with all my heart, is halfway around the world defending your right to say rotten things about him.""Yes, you have the right to your opinion, and what you think is none of my business. However, what you say in public is something else, and I will notsit by and listen to you ridicule MY country, MYpresident, MY husband, and all the other fine American men and women who put their lives on the line, just so you can have the "freedom" to complain. Freedom is an expensive commodity, ladies. Don't let your actions cheapen it."I must have been louder than I meant to be, because the manager came over to inquire if everything was all right."Yes, thank you," I replied.
Then, turning back to the women, I said, "Enjoy the rest of your meal."As I returned to my booth applause broke out. I was embarrassed for making a scene, and went back to my half eaten steak. The women picked up their check and scurried away.After finishing my meal, and while waiting for mycheck, the manager returned with a huge apple cobbler a la mode."Compliments of those soldiers," he said. He alsosmiled and said the ladies tried to pay for my dinner, but that another couple had beaten them to it.When I asked who, the manager said they had already left, but that the gentleman was a veteran, and wanted to take care of the wife of "one of ourboys."
With a lump in my throat, I gratefully turned to thesoldiers and thanked them for the cobbler. Grinning from ear to ear, they came over and surrounded the booth."We just wanted to thank you, ma'am. You know we can't get into confrontations with civilians, so we appreciate what you did."As I drove home, for the first time since my husband's deployment, I didn't feel quite so alone. My heart was filled with the warmth of the other diners who stopped by my table, to relate how they, too, were proud of my husband, and would keep him in their prayers.I knew their flags would fly a little higher the nextday. Perhaps they would look for more tangible ways to show their pride in our country, and the military who protect her. And maybe, just maybe, the two women who were railing against our country, would pause for a minute to appreciate all the freedom America offers, and the price it pays to maintain it's freedom.
As for me, I have learned that one voice CAN make a difference.Maybe the next time protesters gather outside thegates of the base where I live, I will proudly stand on the opposite side with a sign of my own. It will simply say, "Thank You!"
To those who fought for our Nation: Freedom has aflavor the protected will never know.
Please pray for God's protection of our troops and HIS wisdom for their commanders. Pass this on to as many as you think will respond with a prayer: "Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. I ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior."When you receive this, please stop for a moment and say a prayer for our ground, air and navy, marines, personnel in every area of the middle east, all our he-roes and she-roes, our men and women of the Armed Forces.
Author Unknown


All I can say is, Oh MYLANTA! What was I thinking?I quit!
Okay, not really, but my goodness I have alot of work ahead of me!The past two days have been chock-full of reading and note taking, and I have many more days to come. Each of my classes minimum assignments include reading a chapter that is at least 45 pages, taking notes, completing q&a'a, and a quiz. Plus, I need to or I am suppose to spend at least 20 out of 24 hours each day studying...let me think about how possible that is with 3 munchkins... hmmm...NOT VERY! Cecilia has been a big help, and suprisingly, so has Jared. He has been taking the girls outside, putting on movies for them instead of him playing the game, and trying to give me as much rest and quite as I need. Unfortunately, Jared works Tuesday-Friday and there is no one here bu tme to entertain the children. I am stuck between sticking them in there room all evening and locking myself in the office, or trying to spend time with them while still trying to get my work done...maybe full time wasn't for me just yet...but I am not one to back down or admit defeat....so here I go, into the fire soaked in gasoline, hoping that there is the world's biggest sprinkler system on the other side....Wish me luck

Jared has good classes. He actually likes both of his teachers and I think that is going to help him with staying motivated. Too bad the big galoof can't get himself out of bed in the morning, I mean, I understand me having to get Cecilia up and ready, but my husband? What is the world coming to? LOL

We go to view one of the houses we are interested in this Friday. Hopefully, we love it, it loves us, and we can make this process short and sweet and not at all painful...personally, I just don't need the added stress right now!

That's about all i got for now. Cecilia is still doing great in school and had her 1st full day with all the other kids today. Ciara isn't taking it so well. She is moody and clingy like crazy while Cici is at school. I guess she really misses her. She just doesn't know what to do without her here. I love the extra attention, it's just, right now, I need all the time I can get to study...I should be studying right now...I really should. Okay! Okay! Enough with the arm pulling already, jeez!

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Yay yay yay!!! and Blaahhhccckk!!!

This is Jared and I on our 3 year anniversary! Everythig was wonderful! He planned the whole day and the whole evening out! We had Red Lobster for dinner and then we went to WalMart and our gifts for each other were new Dr. Scholls tennis shoes. We both are going to be walking around campus alot and we have both planned a work out schedule for the school year, so we bought each other the best gift we could have thought of! We watched a movie at home and all together had a great evening. Of course, the great evening was somehow spoiled when I woke up 2 hours after we went to bed to find that all the ocean life I had consumed had come back to see me in a not so friendly way. It has been 2 1/2 days now and I am still totally sick! FOOD POISONING stinks! Not only that, but because of this awfulness- I missed my orientation! Me, "Miss OCD" when it comes to school, and I am starting the year off in a bad foot. I don't know how to get to my online classes online and have no idea how to use blackboard! At least I got all my books...
There was someone however who did make it to school Friday! Cecilia had her last testing day Friday and will start school full time Monday with Jared and I! We are all very excited and very proud of her!

There was a special gift waiting for little miss Cadince when she woke up from nap yesterday. To celebrate her new 2 top teeth and her desire and hard-core determination to walk, we bought her a walker of her own. We had one for Ciara awhile ago, but we don't have it anymore. We had debated getting one for Cadince because the doctors say it's not the best idea, but because of her being premie and behind, we thought that this would help her strengthen her legs and help her to walk sooner. Hard to believe that she will be one in one month!

Jared and I have been discussing our moving plans. We have decided that, since there are homes available as of the first of September, we are going to try to move early. The owners want the house back soon anyway, and this way we can possbily find a home in the same school zone for Cecilia. There are 2 beautiful homes we plan on looking at Monday. Also, if we move in the middle of next month, we will not have to move right before exams and avoid having to move during Thanksgiving! Here's hoping the owners will agree to our proposal!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Yesterday was crazy! We are stressing right now because our student loans havent come in and we both still need to buy books and get supplies for school. I still havent bought all of Cecilia's school supplies because I have 3 different lists that are full of tons of different things I have to get. Who knew a kindergartener needed so many things for school??!! We are still trying to figure out what our next step is going to be as far as the house. We know that we have to be out in November, but we arent sure just yet whether or not we are staying in Clarksville.Right now it seems like that would be easier and less expensive, but not necessarily the "best" option for this family.
So, I have had theis little chest cold like thing for a month now and no matter what I take or do, I still end up hacking a lung out throughout the night (and let me tell you, you only have soooo many lungs to hack out, then they are all gone!).So, I called my doctors office to try to get in for an appointment. They can see me, at the earliest, August 31....after that the next available day is the 9th of Sept!!! Walk-In it is then I suppose!
Tomorrow is Jared and I's 3 year anniversary. Truthfully, I am skeptical. Jared has the day "planned" but I am not sure how this evening will go. Love my husband, but he's not the biggest romanticist you will ever meet. But, at least this year he took the initative to do the planning. Every other year it has fallen to me to plan if we want to do something. That's progress.

Oh, one more thing.
Anybody else think video games ruin things??? like, maybe they are the devil in disquise?? just wandering?

Monday, August 20, 2007

The Golson Bunch...bunch of loonies if you ask me!

This is me. The self proclaimed leader of the psycho ward which is our home! Don't ask me how I stay sane, I honestly don't know!

And now.... the cuter half of the Golson bunch

This is the baby of the family. She is our precious little one and is almost a year old. Time flies when they are this cute!

This is the family poser. Every move she makes must be cut and precise....and caught on camera! Good thing she is so adorable!

And these....these are the gamers. Every family must have one somewhere, we have two. Like father like daughter I suppose!