Our Walk Together

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


All I can say is, Oh MYLANTA! What was I thinking?I quit!
Okay, not really, but my goodness I have alot of work ahead of me!The past two days have been chock-full of reading and note taking, and I have many more days to come. Each of my classes minimum assignments include reading a chapter that is at least 45 pages, taking notes, completing q&a'a, and a quiz. Plus, I need to or I am suppose to spend at least 20 out of 24 hours each day studying...let me think about how possible that is with 3 munchkins... hmmm...NOT VERY! Cecilia has been a big help, and suprisingly, so has Jared. He has been taking the girls outside, putting on movies for them instead of him playing the game, and trying to give me as much rest and quite as I need. Unfortunately, Jared works Tuesday-Friday and there is no one here bu tme to entertain the children. I am stuck between sticking them in there room all evening and locking myself in the office, or trying to spend time with them while still trying to get my work done...maybe full time wasn't for me just yet...but I am not one to back down or admit defeat....so here I go, into the fire soaked in gasoline, hoping that there is the world's biggest sprinkler system on the other side....Wish me luck

Jared has good classes. He actually likes both of his teachers and I think that is going to help him with staying motivated. Too bad the big galoof can't get himself out of bed in the morning, I mean, I understand me having to get Cecilia up and ready, but my husband? What is the world coming to? LOL

We go to view one of the houses we are interested in this Friday. Hopefully, we love it, it loves us, and we can make this process short and sweet and not at all painful...personally, I just don't need the added stress right now!

That's about all i got for now. Cecilia is still doing great in school and had her 1st full day with all the other kids today. Ciara isn't taking it so well. She is moody and clingy like crazy while Cici is at school. I guess she really misses her. She just doesn't know what to do without her here. I love the extra attention, it's just, right now, I need all the time I can get to study...I should be studying right now...I really should. Okay! Okay! Enough with the arm pulling already, jeez!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

I completely sypathize with you. My brain is still burning from all the homework I had to do last night. My class got out at 7:15 and I was up till 12 doing the homework for that class alone. ARRRRRRRRGGGGG!! It is definately easier with the girls in school, now I dont feel like I am neglecting them to do my work. I would tell you to give it a couple weeks and things will slow down and get easier, but i am still not fully convinced of that myself. All I can say is Only 99 more days left. YES!! Give Cici big hugs for us, I can't beleive she is already in school. It doesnt help that we only see her a couple times a year, she is growing up way to fast.