Our Walk Together

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Yay yay yay!!! and Blaahhhccckk!!!

This is Jared and I on our 3 year anniversary! Everythig was wonderful! He planned the whole day and the whole evening out! We had Red Lobster for dinner and then we went to WalMart and our gifts for each other were new Dr. Scholls tennis shoes. We both are going to be walking around campus alot and we have both planned a work out schedule for the school year, so we bought each other the best gift we could have thought of! We watched a movie at home and all together had a great evening. Of course, the great evening was somehow spoiled when I woke up 2 hours after we went to bed to find that all the ocean life I had consumed had come back to see me in a not so friendly way. It has been 2 1/2 days now and I am still totally sick! FOOD POISONING stinks! Not only that, but because of this awfulness- I missed my orientation! Me, "Miss OCD" when it comes to school, and I am starting the year off in a bad foot. I don't know how to get to my online classes online and have no idea how to use blackboard! At least I got all my books...
There was someone however who did make it to school Friday! Cecilia had her last testing day Friday and will start school full time Monday with Jared and I! We are all very excited and very proud of her!

There was a special gift waiting for little miss Cadince when she woke up from nap yesterday. To celebrate her new 2 top teeth and her desire and hard-core determination to walk, we bought her a walker of her own. We had one for Ciara awhile ago, but we don't have it anymore. We had debated getting one for Cadince because the doctors say it's not the best idea, but because of her being premie and behind, we thought that this would help her strengthen her legs and help her to walk sooner. Hard to believe that she will be one in one month!

Jared and I have been discussing our moving plans. We have decided that, since there are homes available as of the first of September, we are going to try to move early. The owners want the house back soon anyway, and this way we can possbily find a home in the same school zone for Cecilia. There are 2 beautiful homes we plan on looking at Monday. Also, if we move in the middle of next month, we will not have to move right before exams and avoid having to move during Thanksgiving! Here's hoping the owners will agree to our proposal!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Sorry to hear about your food poisoning, at least it waited till after the celebration was over. As for the collge, get uot while you can, it's not worth it, college suckes. Ok, maybe it only sucks on Tuesdays and Thursedays. Good luck