Our Walk Together

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Yea Yea....I am blogging today, so sue me!

Jessica is not getting by as well as she needs to. Jessica is making 2 B's. Jessica is about to explode........Update...Jessica has blown all her caskets!
Oh my goodness! If there was a time when I needed a genie to grant me wishes of peace and quietness and concentration, now would be that time! I have midterms next week. In the middle, of my terms....midterms. Sums it up, I suppose!
On a brighter note, today we are going to church for the first time in a year. I need the spiritual influence and serenity. I am dragging along my best friend, who in turn is dragging along her 2 week old baby nephew!!! yea, I get to hold a baby all day! We are going to this great service at my friend's church out in Woodlawn, and I am super excited. Which is good. It as been a long time since I have been this excited about church. They have a great nursery/Sunday school program that I am very happy about. My friend's kids love it and talk about it all the time, and that is what my kids need right now. It will be so nice to have Jesus in our lives again! Wow, I am actually smiling. Something that hasn't happened alot lately. Isn't it wonderful when you get that feeling in your heart that makes your whole body warm and comfortable?! Hey, check out the happy Jessica! I just reconstructed a casket, and my brain is actually beginning to function! lol
We pick up our pictures tomorrow and I can't wait to actually have them with us! I am putting them up everywhere!
That is about the it of the update! Not much else going on. Fall break( Oct, 13th) we are going to go to the zoo as a family and take a million pictures....I will admit this started out more for scrapbooking then family bonding, but who am I to complain about 2 gifts in one??????!!! lol
Leave some comments. Got to run now! Off to church here in a few and need to double-quadroople-octagonouble check the girls hair!!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

New Family Pictures!!!!!!!!

We went and got our family pictures done today! Finally some updates shots of the whole group. Hope you like them! Oh, and we get the hard copies on the 1st, so we can give copies out then, or we have the disc with them all, so if anyone just has to have some now, YOU STILL HAVE TO WAIT! lol no, j/k We can print them off whenever!

There are a quatrillion more, but I thought I would share some of my favorites with you poor deprived people! :)
So, tell us what you think!

Friday, September 14, 2007

We are here...

I know that I haven't been miss "blog post" lately, but I am one busy lass!
I am doing very well in all my classes, A's all around still! Relief! Sunday is my first big test, my exam in Anatomy lecture, followed by my Anatomy lab exam Wednesday. I have studied my brains out, watch them fall in slow motion to the floor, picked them up, washed them off, and put them right back into my head again so that I can keep studying! I had tutoring in anatomy today to make sure I was ready for the exam, I think I will do ok, but not sure it will be "a" material.
Tomorrow is Cadince's birthday. I can not believe she is a year old! I don't know what I am suppose to do now, I don't have any "babies" anymore...technically, she is like, almost 11 months considering she was 1 1/2 months early, but she is still too big for me! We are having her party tomorrow, 15 people in all, and I am just too tired to do it all! I moved the party up, I shortened the time, and still, I have too much work to do! Hopefully everything goes smoothly and everyone feels like leaving early! haha
I am still progressing in the scrapping department. I have even brought another innocent into the cult. Katrina is going to join our union starting next Saturday,and we went out tonight to dinner and Hobby Lobby to prepare. I am very excited, b/c she has 5 boys and so I can do fun boy pages vicariously through her!!! haha
For the 1st time in our marriage, Jared and I are ahead financially. We had all our bills for the month of Sept paid by the 5th of Sept, and we have even paid other bills in advance for next month. We are trying to save up for a deposit on our next home and for our trip to North Carolina this Christmas...so far so good. Let's just hope nothing else goes wrong...speaking of which...Jared has been laid off. It's not the end of the world b/c it is only for a few weeks and he is collecting unemployment which actually pays ok money. We are going to survive just fine, thanks mostly to the fact that we finally have our money in order. The past few weeks have been the most fruitful and rewarding we have had in awhile!!!!
Guess that is just it. Now I have done my part and contributed to the bloggers across the nation... leave comments to show your appreciation! lol

Monday, September 10, 2007


Continued.....I am getting better....Plus, I have more stuff!! My pictures of my pages aren't as great b/c I can't scan them and my camera is acting up...but you can't say I didn't post them!

Scrapbook pages...first 2 weeks

These are the us pages...Not as good as everyone else's, but I am learning, so bare with me on my creativity and my look.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Week 1

Okay, brief summary of the week I have so successfully endured and conquered!

All my classes were mixed up together in my mind. You won't believe how much terminology is found in both Anatomy and Psychology!!!! Plus, Sociology thrown in there mumbo-jumbo'ed me up pretty bad for a minute. I am happy to announce, however, that I have A's in all my classes for the first week....for the first week! lol

Scrapbooking has become a habit-forming addictive side-thingy of mine in less than a week. I have made 4 pages in 2 days! Unfortunately, I have a piece of crap scanner and can't scan them to show them to you all....so you will have to wait till I finish and bring the book to wherever you are!

Why is it that I got sucked into this blogging thing to find that no one wants to blog? I think you know who you are....ANDREA!!! hahaha pictures of psycho jedi-squirrels does not count as blogging!

I really should be studying, yet again, but I have found that doing so for long periods of time leaves my brain in a somewhat jelly-type substance, and so I practice not studying regularly....another bad habit thingy!

Well, you people out there should comment and ask questions so that I have something else to write....

Oh, Cecilia had her physical yesterday and, while healthy, the doctor has confirmed what we feared....she is going to be as tall as Spencer! I can't find pants for her that don't cost a bazillion dollars as it is! She fits like a size 3 in the waist, but a size 6 in length!!! Where for art though 6 slims for $5??????

Oh, I also just bought the new Microsoft Word 2007...I am suprised I ever lived w/o it! It has easy ways for me to do all my crazy APA formatting junks for my papers and not get migraines! It has a whole entire food listing w/ calories listed and a workout journal along with a weight loss journal...I am in the land of the happy computer people! If you don't have it, I strogly recommend buying it. It is totally worth the money and then some!!!!

That about raps it up. Leave words. thanks.