Our Walk Together

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Friday, September 14, 2007

We are here...

I know that I haven't been miss "blog post" lately, but I am one busy lass!
I am doing very well in all my classes, A's all around still! Relief! Sunday is my first big test, my exam in Anatomy lecture, followed by my Anatomy lab exam Wednesday. I have studied my brains out, watch them fall in slow motion to the floor, picked them up, washed them off, and put them right back into my head again so that I can keep studying! I had tutoring in anatomy today to make sure I was ready for the exam, I think I will do ok, but not sure it will be "a" material.
Tomorrow is Cadince's birthday. I can not believe she is a year old! I don't know what I am suppose to do now, I don't have any "babies" anymore...technically, she is like, almost 11 months considering she was 1 1/2 months early, but she is still too big for me! We are having her party tomorrow, 15 people in all, and I am just too tired to do it all! I moved the party up, I shortened the time, and still, I have too much work to do! Hopefully everything goes smoothly and everyone feels like leaving early! haha
I am still progressing in the scrapping department. I have even brought another innocent into the cult. Katrina is going to join our union starting next Saturday,and we went out tonight to dinner and Hobby Lobby to prepare. I am very excited, b/c she has 5 boys and so I can do fun boy pages vicariously through her!!! haha
For the 1st time in our marriage, Jared and I are ahead financially. We had all our bills for the month of Sept paid by the 5th of Sept, and we have even paid other bills in advance for next month. We are trying to save up for a deposit on our next home and for our trip to North Carolina this Christmas...so far so good. Let's just hope nothing else goes wrong...speaking of which...Jared has been laid off. It's not the end of the world b/c it is only for a few weeks and he is collecting unemployment which actually pays ok money. We are going to survive just fine, thanks mostly to the fact that we finally have our money in order. The past few weeks have been the most fruitful and rewarding we have had in awhile!!!!
Guess that is just it. Now I have done my part and contributed to the bloggers across the nation... leave comments to show your appreciation! lol

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Sounds like you are busy, busy. How do you stay sane? We have finally faound a balance between the girls school, my school , jav work, chores, and errands to where we still have plenty of down time and we arent stressing out. We havent perfected it, but give me 3 1/2 more weeks (because thats how much longer I have till I'm done with my accounting class) and we should be good to go. So what happened with Jareds job? Are you stressed out, you seem to be handling it really well. I hope every thing works out all right. Tell Cadince happy birthday for us and give her lots of big hugs.