Our Walk Together

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

What was and what is

So 2007 has come and gone.
We moved, as usual, that year.
This gave us the grand total of 5 moves in 3 1/2 years.
And they say our lives are nothing like those in the military! ha!
Cecilia started kindergarten. That was difficult.
I started college. Why oh why?!?!?!?
Jared finished his first year of college!
He has been at his job at the DC for 3 years now.
Ciara turned terrible two, though that year affected her evilness little to none.
Cadie turned one!!!!!!! I just can't live with that. Who said they could get bigger?!?!
Jared and I made it to 3 years...here's to many more. Again...Why oh why?!?!?! haha

So now we are in 2008.
Cecilia will finish kindergarten in a few months.
Ciara is officially potty trained, though night time diapers are still in order.
Cadince won't stop walking...into everything! lol

Jared and I will be sophomores in August.
I work at my favorite restraunt and couldn't be happier.
We will hit 4 years this year...oh mylanta! hehe
There are sure to be many more challenges this year as in the previous.
God sure knows how to keep us on our toes!
Here's to life
Financial stability
A home for more then 12 months!
Great kids
Growing old together
and finding ourselves again this year.

Have a great '08 everyone.



Andrea said...

About time you finally post something. So now that you have had so much experience moving I should wait till you come visit to start maoving myself, that way I have a pro to help me. Lets face it the last time I moved was when I was 19 and the movers did all of the work. I mean really, how do you drive a u- haul (those things are huge).

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you posting, again. I know things get really hectic with kids and school. Hope things go well for you this semester and this year.

Andrea said...

So, despite my oh so busy schedule I decided to take some me time (5 minute) And I thought oh surely Jessica will have something new to read on her blog. Honestly, you were the first one I checked, I had that much faith in you. Now I am down to 2 minutes of me time (3 minutes was spent on the floor curled up in a ball chanting, "this can't be happening")what am I suppose to do with myself for the next 1.6 minutes. I can't go back to schoool work yet, that would just be a waste of perfectly good "me" time. My life can't be this pathetic.