Our Walk Together

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, August 29, 2008


First things first, for those who don't know Cecilia recently had her front four teeth removed and two silver caps put two of her lower teeth. Here is the picture of the mass amounts of cotton they stuffed her with afterward.

She looked so pitiful after it all and then she said she was tired and crashed...poor thing refused to let go of her teeth in the envelope too! lol

Also, Jared left on the 27th. Wow was that difficult. Yes, I know that everyone else has had to do the saying goodbye to the husband/dad thing at least once...but we hadn't before and frankly it sucks!
We miss him like totally crazy and the girls are taking it really hard, Cecilia doesn't even want to get out of bed for school...a REALLY weird occurrence...
Before he left we took pictures of him for him to take in his wallet and for us to keep while he is gone to look at... her are some of them.

Getting the girls to smile proved no small task as they knew it was time to say goodbye...These were taken about 3 hours till bingo.

As far as other life happenings, school has started and I am back in full force. I absolutely love most of my classes though they are all sure to give me a run for my money this semester, especially with three needy girls to handle all day long! But, the way I see it, millions of people do this everyday, and they are no better then me...so i can get through this just fine...

Besides, it is semi-hysterical to think of Jared getting his butt kicked at Basic and doing mass amounts of push ups...lol I love that guy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great pictures of you guys. Thanks for sharing.