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Wednesday, July 16, 2008

School is on the horizon...eeck!

i changed my major!
Before you say anything like "again?!" hear me out.
I just had to.
There, that's my argument!
My new major is pre-dental hygiene and I am actually thinking this one is going last! lol

When taking Cecilia to the dentist today, I had this sudden urge to trade places with the hygienist. Since such a move would have proved extremely detrimental to Cecilia's mouth and found me lying on the floor taser-ed and seizing like a giant beetle recently sprayed with Windex (did that today!), I buried this urge and instead began to ponder the lifestyle that would come attached to such a career move.

Ok, it may seem rash to you... but let's face it it's not your career! lol
Seriously though, I feel that this is going to be one heck of a ride and I would really enjoy doing this for time and all eternity..besides, hygienist make killer money and the prospect of dentistry on the doctor level will still be there for upgrades!

So, this now means that instead of simple and passive english papers this semester and every one after that, my new schedule is full of Chemistry, Biology, and Physiology to boot!
What a headache!
As far as Jared's career move to the military, we are still in the waiting game. He has signed a contract to ship on the 28th of August, but he never swore in so he will be returning to MEPS tomorrow morning to try and change some things on his contract and swear in so it is official.
This just means I will be alone and senile during my upcoming school semester and will be found, upon my husbands arrival, to be bald, scabby faced (from scratching my own eyes out), and insane beyond medical help.

I am so excited!

There is another post in the same month.
I think this deserves massive amounts of oooh-s and ahhhh-s!
So leave your comments and I will return the favor!


Andrea said...

Well, good luck with the new career plan. I did think abiout the dental hygenist route back when I first started college, and changed my mind, now that we have several dentist friends I know for sure I made the right decision, The human mouth is a nasty thing, or at least there are thousands of people out there with nasty teeth and bad breath. But like you I am also changing my major and my school. Who knows, maybe one day I will know what i want to do, but not anytime soon. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

Good luck on the change of major. I hope things go well for you. Hopefully, it won't be as bad as you expect while Jared is gone.

Aaron Mevis said...

I'm bored. When is TNP gonna blog again? Good luck to you and Jared. Does the Army have a referral bonus? I get married Jan. 3 and will hopefully be enlisting by the end of the month. If I don't see you around Jared... see you around.