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Monday, December 29, 2008

Fort Leonardwood/Lost-In-The-Woods Missouri

Well, we got into Missouri and drove into Mom and Dad's driveway about 6am on Tuesday morning! We left Clarksville at midnight to drive through the night so the kids would sleep the whole way... so obviously the first adventurous thing we did when we got there was crash for hours upon hours on the blow up mattress downstairs... which regardless of its air-head type manner could not have been more comfortable!
The next few days we stayed home for the most part visiting until the day after Christmas when we went out and about seeing the sights of Fort Leonardwood! Now don't worry, no children were harmed during the taking of these photos no matter how much it looks like they are about to get ran over by these monstrous military tactical vehicles!

Now how many kids get to ride on the side of a tank like this? hahaha! There were signs everywhere forbidding the climbing on of the stationary vehicles for show only.... but we just had to get this picture!

It was wonderful seeing Mom and Dad, and one thing wondering around this heavily populated training base did was bring back to reality how much effort goes into preparing our soldiers to risk their lives for this country so we can remain safe at home. It just made me feel so blessed to know that so many dedicated and honorable people have my life, and that of my children, in their best interest....even though they don't know me personally.I am so proud and appreciative of them... and of my Dad who has always taught us to take pride in our country and never feel ashamed of who we are... As the new year approaches I think about all that we, as a country have been through this year alone and I pray that we can come out just as united and strong through this next year. I support our troops, and I pray for them everyday and I just want to say thank you to them all. Wherever they are, deployed or finally home with their loved ones... it may be another year ahead of us filled with more deployments and less time at home, but you are appreciated and loved.
Till they all come home...


Mrs. M said...

Hey Jess! This Christmas really was a blessing wasn't it. I know we needed it on this end. I think it will remain in our hearts as a very happy memory! What fun we had with those girls!! And it was nice to have some time to just chat with you, Jared and Jacky. We had time alone with each of you and that was great. I know you will miss Jared when he returns to training, but he will be home soon.

Give those little ones a kiss and hug from Pappy and Grammy!!!

Love ya

Andrea said...

Great photos. It sounds like you guys had quite the holiday, I am so glad Jared could be there for it. I will have to call you soon and hear all about it. One of these years we will have to meet up somewhere for the holidays, maybe Gatlinburg. We told the girls we will go to the North Pole one Christmas, I'm hoping there will be enough snow in the mountains that they will think we really are at the North Pole.

Anonymous said...

Great pictures. I bet you guys had fun.