Our Walk Together

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, March 15, 2009


Well....It has been awhile hasn't it.
Jared has been home since February 12th! It has been so perfect having him home...and it just keeps getting better all the time!
We moved...again! We are living in my folks house since they are out in Lost in the Woods, MO. It is really really nice to have our own space and be out of an apartment complex. No one just barges in talking about inspections, neighbors are not attached to my bedroom walls, and I don't have to park my van two buildings over if I try to park after nine o'clock at night. Plus, the jacuzzi is great! Having two acres for the kids to play on without having to constantly be right there with them worried about strange people(and we have Hermione (German Shepard) so the kids are happy) is wonderful. We have a few months to possibly a few years to make our home here and I really couldn't feel more comfortable.
Jared is job hunting, as am I, and it is proving very fruitless... with the recession going on there is so many people looking for jobs and so little job openings....it's just CRAZY hectic! We are praying things work out... Jared starts school tomorrow. The National Guard is paying him a monthly amount to help him through classes and paying for all his schooling. That is a real help, and some financial relief.
We have considered active duty army, and are still considering it... but Jared is going to try this college first thing out first and see if we can survive working and his schooling and drilling on the weekends... If we do go the active route, we want to try to negotiate for choice of duty station... and we really want to go to Germany! But, of course, there is no REALLY relying on the military! lol
Well, that's about it right now. If there is anything you need to know, or want to know that I haven't spilled here there is the possibility of CALLING someone everynow and then... (cough* ANDREA, cough*)


Mrs. M said...

I am glad you are enjoying the house and I KNOW Hermione' is loving having the girls there to play with AND protect. I am able to rest a little easier here knowing things are taken care of there.

Give the girls extra hugs from us. Unless something changes, we won't be home again until the end of April- first of May time frame. I am saving my leave time up. Let us know if you are considering coming to visit us for some of the summer!! We love you

Andrea said...

Love the family photos. So...after everything I went through to take your family photos (lyme disease included) you still went to sears). Does my suffering mean nothing to you:) The kids look so cute, I can't believe you got them to all look at the camera at the same time. As for the Germany thing, Sorry sister, if we can't go your not allowed (let me emphasize that again)I repeat not ALLOWED to go. of course if you went it would give me just another reason to take the family over there, OK I will reconsider my decision.