Our Walk Together

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Monday, July 6, 2009

weeks 9/10

These past 2 weeks have been eventful enough for blogging but time and circumstances have not made so possible. This will be short as it is!
There is a good chance I will be taking some time off from work. I have incredibly unreliable child care now so working is becoming a BIG issue. This sucks bc we desperately need my income too, but the Lord will get us through.
This will be short bc just this past week I had a dizzy spell... well, long story short I fell and caught myself wrong so now I get to wear this non decorative and certainly non flattering bandage and brace for my carpal fracture in my left hand! yay! lol
The baby seems to be trying to adjust! haha! I am nauseous all the time still, but I have not been actively revisiting my meals near as much!
It won't be until August that I can see a doctor so please just wish us luck as my pregnancies are high risk to begin with that no problems occur!
Thanks for staying updated with us and I will try to get more on here later!

1 comment:

6L's said...

so sorry! hope you feel better soon!