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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

17/18 weeks.... 5 years... etc...

Well, time is moving so slowly, and week 17 has come and gone. Today i begin week 18 in this process better referred to as the "getting fatter by the minute" stage of life! lol
Actually, upon the last doctor's visit I was a little under on my weight gain which is perfectly safe according to Dr. McIntosh bc I started out a little bigger then the last pregnancies... go figure! lol
I absolutely LOVE Dr. McIntosh! She is amazing! Her personality is just so much fun that I thoroughly look forward to each dr. visit! It is also a relief to know that the same person I see for each visit will also be the person delivering the baby! With my old OB, Dr. Hamre (Ciara and Cadie's ) I was very much turned away by the fact that he was my regular doctor but not "on call" for either birth...meaning complete strangers delivered my babies...not cool!

Anyway, things are going well with all the baby things... I look forward more and more to the 17th and finding out if there actually could be a little boy in there!!! Either way though, for those wondering, Jared will be "fixed" very soon... not that we are for sure done having babies... but better play on the safe side for awhile, since I can't seem to stay un-pregnant for very long! lol

On other notes...
Cecilia has proudly started the 2nd grade and is struggling. She is an excellent learner, she catches on very quickly and retains information better than any adult I ahve ever met... but she seems to be getting very distracted and finds herself "not paying attention" quite frequently. Jared and I are discussing getting her tested for ADD and dyslexia, if the problem continues much longer, just to be safe...

Sunday the 23rd as Jared and I's 5 year anniversary! I know right!? 5 years! lol Anyway, we went and saw the movie "Time Travelers Wife" Saturday (such a wonderful movie by the way! I am reading the book!) and then just spent Sunday afternoon relaxing around the house. I suppose as more time goes by as a married couple, you realize that the celebration of the anniversary is no where near as important as the fact that you've actually made it that long without one of you killing the other... ah, love.... lol

Jared has taken to reading to the kids every night from the book Superfudge, and I will end this blog with a interesting experience we had the other night during story time...

There is a main character in the book named Fudge. He has a sister named Tootsie. These aren't there real name of course but that is what everyone calls them... well we have always had pretty specific nicknames for the kids. Cecilia is fondly called Cecilia Bedilia... Ciara is noticeably named for her hair, Goldilocks...and Cadince has been Cadie bug since she was born. I suppose the girls decided being named after sweets would be waaayyy cooler! lol

Ciara: From now on, I want to be called "Lollipop!"
Cecilia: Ya, and I want to be.... ummmm... "Laffy Taffy!"
Jared: um, ok... what do you want to be called then Cadince?
Cadie: Uh... "Donut!"
Me: Goodness... well then I suppose Daddy and I should have junk food names as well then huh...
Cecilia: Mom should be "gumdrop" and dad can be..."nerds!"
(Sorry....I am totally cracking up right now all over again!!!!!!!!!)
Me: Well then, what shall we call the baby?
Jared: I have got the PERFECT name for the baby!
All: What is it Dad?
Jared:........."Good N Plenty!"

Well I guess that settles it. We now know where Jared stands on how many kids he wants! lol
Have a good day everyone! lol

1 comment:

Andrea said...

I love the candy nicknames. Of course I already have a hard time keep the kids names straight so I guess I will just have to shout out random candy names next time I see you and see which one responds.