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Sunday, August 16, 2009

Catch up.... weeks 14-16

Things have been so hectic lately! Between scheduling doctor's appointments, Cecilia starting school up again (yay!), Ciara coming down with Lord knows whatever this illness is, and well, just life... Taking the time to sit at the computer for anything but paying bills has been nearly impossible! lol

Thankfully, the past few weeks have come with some blessings as well as a few not-so-fun parts, as is expected! The morning sickness is pretty much gone! I am still tired alot, but have been finding the energy to try and get out and about a little more, even if it is just running a few errands. I made a few appearances in our quite fashionable emergency room with apparent "anxiety" attacks! Ha! I am a pregnant mother of 3 with moving, school, and a million other things on my mind, what in the world could possible cause "anxiety"?! lol

I finally made it down to see a doctor and I am totally in love with my choice of OBGYN and the staff! My doctor's office is, humorously, located directly behind the Harley Davidson store so there is a steady flow of magnificent inventions constantly catching my eye while I sit in the waiting room! lol
September 17th we find out the sex of the baby... or as Jared says, we reaffirm that it is a boy! lol I will be 21 weeks at the time so we should get a very good picture of the little girl... I mean, the baby! haha!

Well, not much more to say. The girls and I went on a zoo trip a few weeks ago so as soon as I get the film developed there will be a post on that... but geez Walmart is so far away! lol

Until later...


Andrea said...

OK, I better find out via phone call whether your having a boy or girl. I'm glad the morning sickness is over. I have been experiencing nausea all day, which serves as my quarterly reminder how much I hate being pregnant. Are the kids excited about the upcoming ultrasound?

6L's said...

is andrea pregnant too??? i didn't realize the female dr mc is back! i see her hubby and love him as well, despite not delivering any of the kids so far. :) can't say i blame them for not being on call all the time..that could be pretty exhausting and dangerous if you had alot of patients!