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Monday, October 26, 2009

Baby shower

So... Saturday was my baby shower and it was amazing! I had so much fun with friends and family and couldn't have asked for a better turn out...well, Andrea, it would have been nice if you hadn't thrown yourself infront of some crazy teenager and gotten in that accident so you couldn't come for it, but I understand your selfishness I suppose! lol Anyway, I want to thank everyone who made it out to make me feel all special and thought I would go ahead and post some pics for those who couldn't get there (because of some fake "car accident" or whatever) haha jk

I really was in a good mood, but this picture makes me look hateful! lol... I was cooking!

Before the party started everyone was just hanging out...so I was forced to pose for pictures!

Not that Chase woudn't look so muc better in these, but I think I pulled the look off ok, right?!

I was so in love with all the little bags! Loved my gifts, don't get me wrong, but I got all giggly over them bags! lol

Some gifts brought out the tear works... Cecilia picked out a bunch of stuff from her and her sisters just for Chase. She chose some diapers, Finding Nemo baby wipes, an outfit, and s baby pacifier thermometer so she can read the temperature when she helps with Chase. Right before that I had finally stopped crying from when Tabby walked in with the cutest little carseat! She surprised me! It is adorable! Laura R got these precious little hand/footprint frames for me to hang up in Chase's room! Holding those just made me think of how small his little feet will be and I just want to hold him already! lol

Of course, every good shower has a super yummy cak
e to gorge out on! lol. My Mommy got me the cutest little cake. In case you can't read it it says "It's a Boy!" She said she asked, but they couldn't fit "finally" on there anywhere! hahahaha

Here I am, stuffing the adorable cake into my mouth! mmmmm! It was so good!

Last but not least I wanted to show the world exactly what all happened at the shower and I could not do wo without including this next picture! My husband, who was NOT invited to the shower by the way, snuck down the stairs during the gift time to swipe a bunch of food from the kitchen and then sneak back up stairs... well, all I can say Jared is... BUSTED!

I feel so incredibly blessed to have the friends and family that I do who took time out of their busy lives to spend some time with me, pampering me and playing insane games! With all the chaos that has been associated with this pregnancy, it was so nice to just be surrounded by people who really care about us and feel that support! Thank all of you so much and please know that I love you all for everything you do! We had a blast didn't we?!

* On a side note, I did want to add, not to bring the mood down at all, that I did have another ultrasound with the specialist Friday. Apparently we have a bit of a road ahead still of tests and ultrasounds to rule out other possiblities, but we are pretty sure Chase has clubbed foot and there is a possibility of some brain abnormaility. From the looks of the ultrasound the doctor believes that the left side of his brain appears larger than the right and so she is just a little concerned about that. She has scheduled me for an advanced echo for his heart and a measurements ultrasound in a few weeks to get a better look! We are hopeful though... please pray everything is ok! The Lord will get us through just fine! Thanks!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

motivational in my very hectic life

My mom sent me this email story and it undoubtedly touched my heart so much. I have been building a stronger relationship with the Lord these past few months, unfortunate that it took such a horrid probability (the possible health problems with our son) to finally get my butt in gear towards this transformation, but whatever the reason I have matured so much in this short while and have been "blessed" with trials and tribulations already to build up that faith and relationship even more lately.
I hope that as you read this short story you feel the spirit rush over you as I did.
For, the Lord only gives us what we can handle and he will not weigh upon us that which we can not carry. He might try :) but he knows our limits!

Here's the story:

I was tired. Bone weary. For six weeks, my schedule had been relentless. In the middle of it all I had been faced with one tragedy after another: the accidental death of a young woman in our church; the loss of a close friend to heart disease; the breakup of a loved one's marriage. I was beginning to feel like Job.
One Wednesday night at prayer meeting, the strain must have showed on my face. After the service, Tom Parrish walked up to me and put his hand on my shoulder. I knew he had something important to say. Tom is eighty yeas old. A survivor of Pearl Harbor, he has been a lawyer, a pastor and university administrator. He is a man of wisdom and experience. I have learned to listen to him.

"Scott," Tom began, "let me tell you a story about something that happened to me in high school. I was strong and lean back then, and very fast. I ran the mile on the track team, but I was having problems. I always led the pack through the first three-and -a -half laps, but on the homestretch I was getting beat. One day after I lost by a whisker, my track coach pulled me over and said a single sentence that changed my life: 'Always remember that the other man is just as tired as you are.'

"Now, Scott, you haven't said it, but I can tell it: You're tired. But this is the moment when you must not give in. Just remember that others have gone through what you're going through, and they didn't lose the race. And they were as tired as you are. Keep your chin up and keep running."
There are times when all of us need to collapse and rest. There are other times when we need to tighten our jaw and "keep on keeping on." And sometimes the encouragement of a friend can make all the difference between winning or losing the race.

Dear Father, may I continue to run the race that is before me. And may I give encouragement to other runners along the way. Scott Walker

Are we an encourager or discourager? May God help us to be like Jesus. Have a Great day in the Lord!

Thursday, October 15, 2009


So, I have been keeping a small record of what has been going on during the pregnancy through the blog, not really keeping up the way I should, but attempting to keep some record... Anyway, my Mom suggested I keep track of the differences between this pregnancy and the other two, since we have a boy this time... and believe me, there are differences! lol

First Trimester

With the girls, I was sick throughout the entire pregnancy. With Ciara I was actually physically ill, vomiting all the time, everything but what I was craving! With Cadince, I was just nauseous 24/7! I couldn't eat anything even if I wanted to, but once I did I had the constant feeling of nausea, with no relief! With Chase, however, I had early morning nausea through the first whole trimester, occasionally it was throughout the entire day but mostly in the morning or late late evening. It was always accompanied by vomiting! lol

Second Trimester

Into the second trimester, with both Ciara and Cadince, I was laid up in bed, still ill! My body stayed fairly small, however, and my weight gain was minimal. With Chase, my feet swell, my legs and hands swell, and my weight gain has been average, but not where I would like it to be! Because with Ciara I started out so small, I only gained about 18 lbs with her over all 9 months. With Cadince, since she was 7 weeks early, I only gained about 24 lbs, but at 33 weeks that was a good deal more than what I had gained with Ciara. After Cadie I didn't lose all of my weight, and started out at an unideal weight with Chase... 155 lbs! So far, in the second trimester, nearly to the third with Chase, I have gained 20 lbs... and I still have 15 weeks to go! I have just now been put on light bed rest, with orders to prop my feet up as often as possible and avoid any straining exercise or movements. Great! I have 3 kids! lol By this point , 25 weeks, in my previous 2 pregnancies, I had been to the hospital quite a few times with preterm labor scares, had to have terbutaline shots out the whazoo, and was incapable of doing anything on my own! haha! With Chase, I have been twice, only because an infection has caused me to go into heavier Braxton Hicks than permissible, and that has thrown me over and required me to have the terb!


Ciara was my first and so, I wasn't exactly a pro on what to look for movement wise. I first felt her kicks around 19-20 weeks and they were like little butterfly movements! I felt the same feeling with Cadie around the same time, only a little more profound, since the girls were only a year apart! With Chase, I felt the butterflies at about 16 weeks, way before I expected them. At 20 weeks I could feel full on kicking and moving around and unlike the girls, who I could SEE moving around at about 28 weeks, I have seen Chase moving since week 22! It's true, you really do see and feel things earlier each time! haha
The girls were pretty consistent with their kicking and location. Both girls stayed in the center of my belly area most of the time, only occasionally putting pressure on my spine and only towards the end. Chase, however, is ALL OVER THE PLACE, all the time! He kicks me in the back, the chest, straight down (oh ya, that one hurts ladies!), and pretty much anywhere he pleases!


With both the girls, I had an ultrasound around 21 weeks and then had at least one after that. With Cadie, because of her/my condition, I had 2 ultrasounds a week for about 2 months to keep a close eye on her measurements. Both the girls were very proportioned looking. Their bodies seemed about the same from head to toe... Chase, on the other hand, appeared ALL LEGS in all his ultrasounds so far! No wonder his kicks make me shake sometimes with their intensity!


My cravings haven't been near as intense with Chase as they were with the girls. With Ciara and Cadince I had hardcore cravings throughout the day and night all the way to about the 7 month mark. I wanted strange combinations of things, beef jerky all the time, pepsi circulated through my veins like blood, and if I didn't eat when and what I was craving then, I couldn't eat after. I practically lived off of Subway with Cadince! lol With Chase, I have had minimal cravings, mostly for full course meals like Fried Chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy (thanks Mom), steak and loaded mashed potatoes, salads and such... oh, and pistachios! haha! However, the weirdest craving I have had, through all the pregnancies has occurred with Chase only and is really abnormal to me... milk! I HATE milk so much! I barely use any in my cereal each morning, I would only drink it accompanied with Ovaltine mix, I wouldn't even drink it with oreos! Chase, on the other hand, LOVES milk and I have to have two or three glasses everyday! I never thought something I personally have such disdain for could become my new pepsi all because of the appetite of my child!

That's about all I've got right now... Which is quite alot I realize! haha! I hope to remember to update in the third trimester!