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Sunday, January 10, 2010

Fatty McFatso... or Fat Fat as my Sister calls me! =)

This is me... bored, playing with my food which I was soooo taught NOT to do...at 35 weeks!

Jared and I went out on a date, FINALLY, in an attempt to "bowl the baby out" as Jared put it... I am 37 weeks in these pictures! Oh goodness it is going to be a challenge to get back down to my ideal weight... 140!

Well, I am 38 weeks and still pregnant. I have decided, if my little bundle of joy (law requires I see him as that, though somedays I view him more as pain in my butt, and back, and hips...etc! lol) has not come on his own yet, we will induce on the 22nd. The 19th was what the Dr. told me was the earliest and, as much as I want to be pain free, that is a Tuesday and I have classes Monday-Thursday so...the 22nd is a Friday and that gives me the whole weekend to recover, bring my baby home, and minimal time for Jared to have to take leave from work! Wish us luck and a healthy baby!

1 comment:

6L's said...

mean sister! you do not even look anywhere near fat!