Our Walk Together

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Saturday, June 12, 2010

Physicals and Shots... OH NO!!!

Poor Ciara and Cadince had to get their shots updated this week. Plus, Ciara--my big girl--starts Kindergarten in 2 months! Oh my goodness!! Anyway, they were very brave at first... then they started to freak out once they had to change into these paper gowns and wait for the doctor! Cadie was first to get her shots and she got 4!!! She screamed and cried and turned red and it was all I could do not to pick her up and hold her after the first one! Then it was Ciara's turn and she bravely scooted to the end of the table ready for her shots. They told her she would be getting 2.... no biggie compared to what Cadie had just gone through... Until the doctor pinned her down and gave her SIX!!! She screamed so loud I am sure the whole doctors office heard her! She was in pain and she was in traumatic shock from being lied to and poked way more than she was promised! I wanted to rip the nurse's head off! How could she lie to my baby like that? I had to hold Ciara for over 15 minutes before she would even let go of me to get dressed and she was still traumatized the rest of the day! Thank the Lord that she doesnt need anymore shots till she is 11!

1 comment:

6L's said...

oh how i hate shots....poor kiddos! babies do so much better than the big kids, lol!