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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

BIG secret!!!

Just thought I would go ahead and post it since we have officially told all our family... We are going to have our last baby! I am due in January so this little one will be almost exactly 2 years younger than Chase which is exactly how we wanted it! We are so excited but in some ways it is sort of bitter sweet for me knowing this will be our last one. I know alot of people in this world, even my close friends and family, think having a large family is insane and, well to some, its irresponsible and stupid. I, however, have always known I would be a Mommy to many and there is nothing that makes me happier than being a Mommy! Jared and I have pretty much said we wanted 5 from the beginning and we didnt want them so spaced out that they couldnt get relate to one another and we both decided a few months ago it was time.
I try so hard not to let the criticism and reaction of people bother me when we say we are pregnant each time. To many I can tell that it's pretty much expected we are just going to be pregnant every year-- "that's just Jared and Jessica, they are ALWAYS having another baby" kinds thing... and we are about to have 5 kids in only 7 years of marriage but here is the kicker... GOD decided this path for me just as much as Jared and I decided it for ourselves. We always pray and discuss the matter before we even think about trying to have another baby. As luck (or sever misbehavior as a teenager if you wanna be glass half empty lol) would have it I started having kids young and so I am able to say I will have all my kids (5 of them) before I turn 25 years old. This to me gives me an advantage over waiting (not that there is ANYTHING wrong with being older and I certainly will encourage maturity for my children before they have kids) until I was older to start my family. I have so many things I want to do in my life and in 5 years, all my kiddos will be in school and I will be 29 and in college about to finish my degree (if I havent completed it by then which God willing I will) and I can start my career without worrying about trying to plan having kids around that. You might see me a selfish or even ridiculous, or just think Jared and I have never seen a Trojan commercial lol, but really, we were meant to be parents and I could not ask God for a better occupation, blessing, or purpose in my life than to be a Mommy!

Sorry for the crazy weird rant in the middle, just have had a lot of unenthused people with "rolling their eyes and exclaiming AGAIN?!" reactions and it does hurt when I feel like others arent as excited as me just because I already have a few kiddos. Every life brought into this world is another life that can be lived for the Lord and having 4 kids already in no way belittles this baby to us or to the Lord in any way! I am just as excited as when I found out I was pregnant with Ciara, Cadince, and Chase and when I adopted Cecilia!

Week 9 Report: So far there has been a wonderous heap of nausea and heartburn in my life lol. That's how I knew I must be pregnant last month. I had had 2 full weeks of straight heart burn everyday no matter what I ate or drank. I stopped drinking soda and eating anything spicy and practically ate a whole box of Tums in 2 weeks time with no change! This baby wears me out too. I feel crazy lethargic all the time and when I am ready to eat I have to eat right away or I start to feel very ill and then can't eat at all. I practically live off of water and animal crackers right now! My first OB appt is tomorrow June 17th. That's when we will hear the heartbeat and get all my routine bloodwork and such done. Right now it looks like my due date is January 16, 2012. We have discussed our sex preference and have both decided we don't have one. While we would love another boy so Chase can have a brother to play with, we will be just as excited to have another little princess in our lives. Of course this baby will be another "C" baby. If we have a girl she will be Corralee Patience and if we have a boy his name will be Chanton Frederick!


6L's said...

YAY!!! that is super exciting news!!! in your last post, i thought maybe that was the news, but quickly said, "no, that's too obvious, haha, and anyway, jared got snipped." so, i guess i missed something (or forgot, which is highly likely, lol!) and he didn't go through with it? i understand about telling people and all the rude remarks. makes you wanna kick people in the mouth! BUT, it doesn't matter what others think or so rudely say out loud. what matters i that you guys are excited and happy about your growing family! i have often thought about what it would be like to have another. hubby nearly strkes out at ANY TINY MENTION of it though. i suppose that has to do with him growing up with just a sister and we have double that already. :) anyway, CONGRATULATIONS and i hope the sickness doesn't hang around too long! great thing about not having to work, that would be misery!
being done at 25 is good and sad....long time with no kiddos....but that's what grandbabies are for! :) i was just about to turn 25 when the boys were born and turned 30 before loni was born and i still think it'll be sad when they are gone and we're only about to be 50! i know, i'm crazy! :)
oh, one more thing! i was thinking about making one of those sirts like i have for the twins but for large families. :) something like,
yes, they are all ours.
yes, we have cable.
yes, we know what causes it.
and we like it!! ;)
if i ever actually do go through with making it, i'll let you know so you can have one. :) so there's a super long comment, lol. congrats again!!

Jessica-Marie said...

Thanks Laura! I appreciate the enthusiasm and I would LOVE that shirt! haha! Jared WAS going to get snipped but about 1 month after Chase was born when we were gonna set up the appt, we both kinda got this feeling like we should wait... I am glad we did!

Jennifer said...

HAHA, I love Laura's post! I love the shirt idea! Congrats!
Hey, I'm having a lap and strip party at a friends house on Saturday, (laura will also be there) it will be REALLY fun! You need to be there. Its at 7pm. Let me know if you are able to come and I'll give you directions,or you can meet at my house and we can drive together.

Jennifer said...

did you need my email? it's dancingjewel@hotmail.com.