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Sunday, June 12, 2011

Million months

So, I have noticed that I haven't posted in a few million months. Since my last post I have adopted a child, changed careers, been blessed (well duh!), Jared has gotten a new job (also part of the blessing thing!), my children have graduated from another year of school, and we are about to move.... AGAIN! lol

Adopted a child say what?!
Jared and I have been married nearly seven years. In those seven years there has been one very important thing that I have been wanting to do but there always seemed to be something keeping me from being able to (finances, timing, situations, etc). Well, on our 6th anniversary last year, Jared took me downtown to meet with a lawyer about being able to have me officially adopt Cecilia! We paid the man a katrillion dollars it seems, signed enough papers to buy a house, and played the army game of hurry up and wait. Well, 6 months later, on March 1st, we had our court date and all of the paparework and legal mess was finalized. Cecilia is my daughter!!! Now, before all this adoption stuff, you would of ended up pretty brusied and sore if you had tried to tell me she wasn't my little girl. I may not have been the one to bring her into this world, but I am the only one who loves her like a mother does, I am the one who potty trained her, was there when she lost her first tooth, taught her to read and write, cried when she left for church camp the first summer I was away from her for a week, taught her to swim, kissed her goodnight every night for 7 years, and will be the one crying the day she leaves my home. She is as much my child as the girls and Chase are and there had never been a difference in my mind or in my heart.... the only difference there is now is that it's all legalized on paper and NO ONE can EVER take her away from me! She stood infront of that judge and touched my heart so deep when she said I was her Mama and she was happy that I could finally adopt her and be with her forever! Cecilia one day you will read this and I just want to make sure you know-- I feel EXACTLY the same way!

I haven't officially changed careers, just fyi :) I went from being a regular associate at the Portrait Studio, to running my own studio, to stepping down for awhile to be the one at home because of Jared's new amazing amesome spectacular job, to getting everything ready to move out of our new town to head back home and go back to my roots! lol! What a jumble.
Jared's new job is in Clarksville so it just makes sense to get back there! He got the call about 2 months ago to take up a job as a full time National Guard recruiter!! They're gonna send him to school in the next few months and then he will fill the slot of a leaving recruiter so we want to be settled in back home before he starts up as full time because the fall months are the busiest!

Cecilia is now officially a 4th grader (geez how the heck did that happen?!). Ciara just graduated from Kindergarten and is now a 1st grader (Lord help us all!). Cadince finished up Preschool top of her class, and she is more than ready to be a Kindergartener next year! My tiny little Bug is about to be in KINDERGARTEN!!!! Now I am shaking in my skin! I am so not ready for my kiddos to be growing up but then again what can I do about it?! haha! Just gotta be thankful for the time I have with them and hope and pray I have taught them all they need as they grow.

Well I'm gonna wrap this up. Seeing as how most of the people I try to keep blog tagging with have closed me up from their blogs and since I have been so lazy blogging this probably won't be read by many but I need to keep up with this thing for records purposes! lol!

Oh, and P.S..... We got another big secret too but its a work in progress so we will reveal it when the time comes!


6L's said...

haha, i still have you on my dashboard! :) nothing personal to you, i closed up my blog to nearly everyone....personal issues i need to work on. sounds like A LOT has been going on in your world, it's no wonder you haven't blogged! glas to hear things will be settling soon!

Andrea said...

lol, I guess it is about that time of year again (time to pack up Jessica's house and move her to a new one). I can't believe your going o have a 1st and 4th grader, where have the years gone? Can't wait to see you guys again (hopefully in 5 days).