Our Walk Together

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Yesterday was crazy! We are stressing right now because our student loans havent come in and we both still need to buy books and get supplies for school. I still havent bought all of Cecilia's school supplies because I have 3 different lists that are full of tons of different things I have to get. Who knew a kindergartener needed so many things for school??!! We are still trying to figure out what our next step is going to be as far as the house. We know that we have to be out in November, but we arent sure just yet whether or not we are staying in Clarksville.Right now it seems like that would be easier and less expensive, but not necessarily the "best" option for this family.
So, I have had theis little chest cold like thing for a month now and no matter what I take or do, I still end up hacking a lung out throughout the night (and let me tell you, you only have soooo many lungs to hack out, then they are all gone!).So, I called my doctors office to try to get in for an appointment. They can see me, at the earliest, August 31....after that the next available day is the 9th of Sept!!! Walk-In it is then I suppose!
Tomorrow is Jared and I's 3 year anniversary. Truthfully, I am skeptical. Jared has the day "planned" but I am not sure how this evening will go. Love my husband, but he's not the biggest romanticist you will ever meet. But, at least this year he took the initative to do the planning. Every other year it has fallen to me to plan if we want to do something. That's progress.

Oh, one more thing.
Anybody else think video games ruin things??? like, maybe they are the devil in disquise?? just wandering?


Andrea said...

Hey, Happy anniversary. If you spend the evening anywhere other than in fron of the tv or computer I would count in a success. If it makes you feel better I got nothing for our last anniversay, not even a phone call, ok so he was deployed and busy, but still. Let me know how it goes, I think Jared can be romantic when he wants to, if not maybe he will let you control the video fame for a change, YES!! Sorry I'm just teasing, but I do agree with you that video games ruin things. I have been given permission to get rid of all the game systems if they become a problem.

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary to both of you. I hope you have a fun day.