Our Walk Together

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, September 10, 2007


Continued.....I am getting better....Plus, I have more stuff!! My pictures of my pages aren't as great b/c I can't scan them and my camera is acting up...but you can't say I didn't post them!


Anonymous said...

Great job. Thank you for sharing.

Andrea said...

wow, Jessica your pages look great. Your already a pro. Now, on to the next adventure. I cant wait to see more of your pages. I like that you write on your pages, I wish my handwriting was better so I wouldnt feel like the pages neededot go in the garbage as soon as my pen touched the page. Maybe we can get togther and scrapbook, while watching buffy of course, over the holidays.

Andrea said...

I think you pictures look great. If you were to look at my collection of photos and compare it to the collection of photos Jav has taken, there is a huge difference in our ideas of a good photo. Mine, everyone usually looks half way decent. Javs, everyones hair is a mess, their in pjs, their asleep, they are making terriblwe faces, they are caught by suprise, ect. But there are very few, that I would e willing to show off.