Our Walk Together

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Monday, September 10, 2007

Scrapbook pages...first 2 weeks

These are the us pages...Not as good as everyone else's, but I am learning, so bare with me on my creativity and my look.


Anonymous said...

I don't see anything wrong with them. I always think how mine aren't as good as Andrea's, but we all have our own style. No two people's scrapbooks are going to be the same unless they sit and copy each other's pages, which Andrea and I have done a few times. But that's just a few pages that are the same out of all of them.

Andrea said...

These pages are so sweet. I especially love the ones of oyu and Jared. I am jelouse, we dont have any good pictures of me and Jav so I cant do any us page. Sarah has been doing a lot of really good pages of her and Aaron and they are so sweet. I am going to have to ask her to take pictures of me and Jav before he takes off, ,and I will force him to smile and have a good time, so you may see him crying in some of the photos (sob...aren't we done yet?)