Our Walk Together

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Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Week 1

Okay, brief summary of the week I have so successfully endured and conquered!

All my classes were mixed up together in my mind. You won't believe how much terminology is found in both Anatomy and Psychology!!!! Plus, Sociology thrown in there mumbo-jumbo'ed me up pretty bad for a minute. I am happy to announce, however, that I have A's in all my classes for the first week....for the first week! lol

Scrapbooking has become a habit-forming addictive side-thingy of mine in less than a week. I have made 4 pages in 2 days! Unfortunately, I have a piece of crap scanner and can't scan them to show them to you all....so you will have to wait till I finish and bring the book to wherever you are!

Why is it that I got sucked into this blogging thing to find that no one wants to blog? I think you know who you are....ANDREA!!! hahaha pictures of psycho jedi-squirrels does not count as blogging!

I really should be studying, yet again, but I have found that doing so for long periods of time leaves my brain in a somewhat jelly-type substance, and so I practice not studying regularly....another bad habit thingy!

Well, you people out there should comment and ask questions so that I have something else to write....

Oh, Cecilia had her physical yesterday and, while healthy, the doctor has confirmed what we feared....she is going to be as tall as Spencer! I can't find pants for her that don't cost a bazillion dollars as it is! She fits like a size 3 in the waist, but a size 6 in length!!! Where for art though 6 slims for $5??????

Oh, I also just bought the new Microsoft Word 2007...I am suprised I ever lived w/o it! It has easy ways for me to do all my crazy APA formatting junks for my papers and not get migraines! It has a whole entire food listing w/ calories listed and a workout journal along with a weight loss journal...I am in the land of the happy computer people! If you don't have it, I strogly recommend buying it. It is totally worth the money and then some!!!!

That about raps it up. Leave words. thanks.


Anonymous said...

Glad you made it through the first week of school alive and still with hair.

Andrea said...

Glad you had a good first week. I just finished up week three (hallelujah). Ok so I still have aclass tomorrow, but I'm not counting that. Only 13 more to go, except for my accounting class. I only have 9 more of those left, yes I am still counting done till it is over. I Cant wait to see what you have scrapbooked. You should try using your digital camera to take pictures of your pages so you can post them for everyone to see. Thats how I have to do mine since my scanner doesnt fit 12x12 pages. Its about 2 inches too short. As for the squirrel picture, it absolutely counts, as long as I type at least 5 words it is a legite entry, its all written in the rules according to Andrea handbook. And if you are ever looking fo a good sale for jeans for cicilia the childrens place online offers sales all the time and they have online coupon coeds that you can use with the sale price. We just bought all the girls school jeans there and it came out to $7.50 a peice after all the sales. And they have the adjustable waist and all their Jeans com ein regular and slim. I'm only writin gthis becasue we have the same problem you do. Good luck with next weeks classes