Our Walk Together

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Yea Yea....I am blogging today, so sue me!

Jessica is not getting by as well as she needs to. Jessica is making 2 B's. Jessica is about to explode........Update...Jessica has blown all her caskets!
Oh my goodness! If there was a time when I needed a genie to grant me wishes of peace and quietness and concentration, now would be that time! I have midterms next week. In the middle, of my terms....midterms. Sums it up, I suppose!
On a brighter note, today we are going to church for the first time in a year. I need the spiritual influence and serenity. I am dragging along my best friend, who in turn is dragging along her 2 week old baby nephew!!! yea, I get to hold a baby all day! We are going to this great service at my friend's church out in Woodlawn, and I am super excited. Which is good. It as been a long time since I have been this excited about church. They have a great nursery/Sunday school program that I am very happy about. My friend's kids love it and talk about it all the time, and that is what my kids need right now. It will be so nice to have Jesus in our lives again! Wow, I am actually smiling. Something that hasn't happened alot lately. Isn't it wonderful when you get that feeling in your heart that makes your whole body warm and comfortable?! Hey, check out the happy Jessica! I just reconstructed a casket, and my brain is actually beginning to function! lol
We pick up our pictures tomorrow and I can't wait to actually have them with us! I am putting them up everywhere!
That is about the it of the update! Not much else going on. Fall break( Oct, 13th) we are going to go to the zoo as a family and take a million pictures....I will admit this started out more for scrapbooking then family bonding, but who am I to complain about 2 gifts in one??????!!! lol
Leave some comments. Got to run now! Off to church here in a few and need to double-quadroople-octagonouble check the girls hair!!


Andrea said...

Hey glad you finally blogged

Andrea said...

Sorry, my laptop has a mind of it's own, I was going to type a couple short comments to post just so I could claim credit for commenting 3 times, but before I could delete it all, my computer posted it. Sorry we have been so busy preparing for Jav to leave, andfor midterms and finals. And Sarah and I have been looking for pictures of a blown casket for you. Since we couldn't find any we decided to go to sarahs grandpas funeral how and set a camera on a tripod on a slow shutter speed in front of a casket and throw some peices of wood up in the air from behind the casket to make it look like it was blowing up. Oh that would have been fun, gives us a few week, we still have to get a new tripod, Jav is taking the one we use over seas. So excited you got your pictures, I can't wait to see them. I haven't decided what I am doing for fall break so I will probably spend it harrassing you since i will be here all by myself (the kids will be at school). You'll have to post some of your zoo pictures once you go.