Our Walk Together

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Sunday, May 31, 2009


So, since pretty much everybody has heard the news, posting it seems to be the next step...

We are expecting number 4!
Of course, with this I must add that Jared has dutifully prayed almost non-stop that we have conceived a little boy....ha! Right! We all know by now that this is very unlikely!
I want a healthy baby, regardless, and though a little boy would be wonderful, I am beginning to feel that one more girl will be easier... hand-me-downs, room-sharing, and potty-training all being considered of course! lol

We are incredibly excited, though this was quite a surprise. I am due January 27th (roughly) making me almost 6 weeks!

Here's too a healthy eventless pregnancy and another perfectly beautiful child! Please keep us in your prayers!

This is the baby at 5 1/2 weeks. I will try to keep visual updates as we go along as well! YAY!!!!!


6L's said...


Andrea said...

Congratulations. And if you guys decide you aren't ready for another one, go ahead and pass it this way, Javier never has to know :)